This project aims to strengthen and improve the performance of health care system in rural China in order to improve maternal and child health. It also provides policy-makers and health service managers with evidence for the development of informed policy on maternal and child health (MCH). The research focuses on women of reproductive age in rural areas of China as well as on their antenatal and obstetric care service providers, both clinicians and policy makers. For the Member States and China, as well as other countries it will provide a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of current state of affairs, provider and user perspectives, of antenatal and obstetric care in rural China at national and local level. This study seeks to assess whether improving financial accessibility to and quality of maternal health care increase use of and impact of maternity services. This project is implemented in 3 provinces: Anhui, Shaan'xi and Chongqing. This project will provide a practical example and information on impact of abolishing user fees on MCH service utilisation and develop and disseminate evidence-based policy recommendations on how to improve access to and quality of antenatal and obstetrical care for local and central government and international organisations, and thus serve as a step toward reaching such important goals.
CHIMACA includes 3 types of interventions, two behavioural interventions and financial intervention. Behavioural interventions are training for clinical skills and training health education.
Full description
Province of Chongqing:
Basic design: randomized townships (3 groups) comparing 2 different interventions to one randomised internal control group and one non-randomized external control group. In service-training:
in service-training of clinical skills: Yes. In non-randomized setting, comparing in-service training to the external control group without training, and in randomized setting comparing in-service training to the internal control group without in-service training.
in service-training of health education: Yes. In non-randomized setting, comparing in-service training to the external control group without training, and in randomized setting comparing in-service training to the internal control group without in-service training.
Province of Shaan'xi:
Basic design: Randomized townships, 5 groups (in two counties) comparing 2 different interventions to the randomized control group (Figure 2)
Financial intervention: Yes. In randomized setting, comparing coverage of ante- and postnatal care to in service-training of clinical skills, in non-randomized setting comparing coverage of ante- and postnatal care to normal local coverage system (control group of matched pairs).
In service-training:
Control group: randomized townships. - 25 townships in Zhen'an County are divided into 2 groups (12 clusters): one intervention and one control group
29 townships in Lantian County are divided into three groups (10 clusters): two intervention groups and one control group.
Province of Anhui Basic design: randomized townships, 3 groups (in two counties), comparing 4 different interventions to randomized control groups (Figure 3)
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
108 participants in 4 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites