Study type
Funder types
The proposed small-scale pilot studies are public health intervention studies implemented through established routine programs and services in the frame of the mass drug administration (MDA) campaigns in Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya and Uganda. In each country two most promising health intervention platforms were selected for pilot distribution of arpraziquantel 150mg (arPZQ).
The aim of the small-scale pilot study is to assess the performance of different platforms for distributing arPZQ, a child-friendly formulation of praziquantel, to the target population (i.e., preschool-aged children (PSAC)) currently missed out in schistosomiasis treatment campaigns.
The specific objectives of the pilot study are:
Preventive chemotherapy with arPZQ will be offered systematically to eligible PSAC aged 2 to below 5 years of consenting caregivers resident in the study area and reached through the selected platforms. Adverse events during MDA with arPZQ will be documented and reported by using existing tools and established reporting pathways aligned with standard pharmacovigilance and safety guidelines of the national drug authorities. Based on routine program processes and forms, variables pertaining to drug logistics, training, drug distribution, passive pharmacovigilance and supervision will be collected in order to measure and generate real-world data related to feasibility, coverage and acceptability of selected platforms and strategies to inform future scale-up to district levels.
Assessments will take place before (to capture social mobilization and training activities) during and after the drug distribution to document the implementation process and evaluate experiences made by the different stakeholders (e.g. children, parents, community members, health workers, programme staff).
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
18,500 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Nora Monnier, Dr. med.; Peter Steinmann, PhD PD
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites