Status and phase
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The purpose of this study is to help determine the most effective treatment for participants with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis.
There are currently two types of operations used to treat this condition. One operation is called thyroplasty. Doctors place a small piece of safe plastic into the side of the participant's voice box to push the weak vocal cord into a position to enable better speech and swallowing. In the other operation called laryngeal reinnervation, doctors repair the neck nerve supply to the vocal cord using parts of other unaffected nerves to enable better speech and swallowing. The investigators do not know which of these methods is better and are conducting this study to start comparing the two operations so that a larger clinical trial can be conducted in the future to tell us which operation is best.
Full description
Title: Does Laryngeal Reinnervation or Type I Thyroplasty give better voice results for patients with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (VOCALIST): a feasibility study
Short title: VOCALIST
Trial medication: Not Applicable
Phase of trial: Phase IIb
Objectives: The aim of the study is to establish the feasibility of a multicentre, randomised phase III clinical trial of surgical treatment for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (UVFP).
Main objectives are to test the feasibility of:
Type of trial: Quantitative and Qualitative Feasibility Study; multi-centre randomised controlled trial
Trial design and methods: 30 patients will be randomised to receive the Laryngeal Reinnervation or Type I Thyroplasty surgery.
Trial duration per participant: 12 months
Estimated total trial duration: 24 months
Planned trial sites: Multi-site; London, Poole and Manchester (3 sites).
Total number of participants planned: 30
Statistical methodology and analysis: The trial analysis will be descriptive and will be performed on an intention to treat basis. Primary and secondary outcomes will be described using proportions and means as appropriate, with confidence intervals. No formal comparisons will be made. The correlations between the voice outcome measures will be calculated. There is no planned interim analysis.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
23 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites