The primary objective of the LEVANT 2 Extended Follow-up Post-Approval Study (PAS 1) is to evaluate the long-term performance of the Lutonix Drug Coated Balloon (DCB) versus Percutaneous Transluminal Balloon Angioplasty (PTA) in the treatment of stenosis or occlusion of the femoropopliteal arteries.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Clinical Inclusion Criteria:
Male or non-pregnant female ≥18 years of age;
Rutherford Clinical Category 2-4;
Patient is willing to provide informed consent, is geographically stable and comply with the required follow up visits, testing schedule and medication regimen;
Angiographic Lesion Inclusion Criteria:
Length ≤15 cm;
Up to two focal lesions or segments within the designated 15 cm length of vessel may be treated (e.g. two discrete segments, separated by several cm, but both falling within a composite length of <15 cm);
≥70% stenosis by visual estimate;
Lesion location starts ≥1 cm below the common femoral bifurcation and terminates distally ≤2 cm below the tibial plateau AND ≥1 cm above the origin of the TP trunk;
De novo lesion(s) or non-stented restenotic lesion(s) >90 days from prior angioplasty procedure;
Lesion is located at least 3 cm from any stent, if target vessel was previously stented;
Target vessel diameter between ≥4 and ≤6 mm and able to be treated with available device size matrix;
Successful, uncomplicated (without use of a crossing device) antegrade wire crossing of lesion;
A patent inflow artery free from significant lesion (≥50% stenosis) as confirmed by angiography (treatment of target lesion acceptable after successful treatment of inflow artery lesions); NOTE: Successful inflow artery treatment is defined as attainment of residual diameter stenosis ≤30% without death or major vascular complication.
At least one patent native outflow artery to the ankle, free from significant (≥50%) stenosis as confirmed by angiography that has not previously been revascularized (treatment of outflow disease is NOT permitted during the index procedure);
Contralateral limb lesion(s) cannot be treated within 2 weeks before and/or planned 30 days after the protocol treatment in order to avoid confounding complications;
No other prior vascular interventions within 2 weeks before and/or planned 30 days after the protocol treatment.
Exclusion Criteria:
Patients will be excluded if ANY of the following conditions apply:
Primary purpose
Interventional model
1,189 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites