This observational study will obtain liver biopsy samples and evaluate the long-term effect of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene therapy on the liver tissue in adult patients with hemophilia A or hemophilia B who have previously been treated with a factor VIII or factor IX gene-containing AAV-vector for liver-targeted gene transfer. Participants are from a cohort of patients treated with AAV-mediated gene transfer and at least 6 months after vector infusion
Full description
To better understand the effect of AAV-mediated gene transfer on the liver, eligible participants will have a one-time, standard transjugular liver biopsy (TJLB) under moderate sedation. Or, no intervention if prior liver biopsy tissue is available.
Participants are from a cohort of patients treated with AAV-mediated gene transfer and at least 6 months after vector infusion expressing at least 1% of FVIII or FIX activity, respectively.
Evaluations will be done on the liver tissue samples regarding transduction frequency, morphology, gene expression patterns, vector genome integrations, epigenetic signature, and consequences of transgene expression on hepatocytes.
Inclusion criteria
Age ≥18 to 80 years
Patients, who were enrolled and treated in one of the following clinical trials:
Patients with endogenous expression of FVIII/FIX at >1% after gene transfer that is stably maintained for more than six months after vector infusion
Able to give informed consent
Able to comply with study requirements
Exclusion criteria
8 participants in 1 patient group
Central trial contact
Ulrike Reiss, MD
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites