Status and phase
Study type
Funder types
Randomized pilot clinical trial to demonstrate superiority of bisphosphonate-magnesium combination over bisphosphonates alone in postmenopausal osteoporosis in slowing bone remodeling as assessed by C-terminal telopeptide of bone collagen type 1 (CTX) dosage.
Full description
A pilot, randomized, controlled, open-label, single-center, two-parallel-arm clinical trial testing the addition of oral magnesium supplementation to prescribed drug therapy in the care setting. Category 1.
The primary objective of this randomized trial is to demonstrate the superiority of the combination of bisphosphonates and magnesium over bisphosphonates alone in postmenopausal osteoporosis, in terms of slowing bone remodeling, as assessed by the measurement of C-terminal telopeptides of type 1 bone collagen (CTX).
The secondary objectives are to study the impact of magnesium supplementation at 1 year on:
As part of their usual care and management, patients will be diagnosed with osteoporosis and prescribed bisphosphonates.
Patients will have 3 or 4 visits depending on which group they are randomized to: a first screening visit as part of routine care, which will take place in the Rheumatology Department of the Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, then 2 visits for patients in the "bisphosphonates alone" group and 3 visits for patients in the "bisphosphonates associated with magnesium" group, which will take place in the Inserm 1405 Clinical Investigation Platform/Clinical Investigation Center (PIC/CIC) of the Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital.
Visit 0 - Screening visit and diagnosis of osteoporosis (1 month before day 0): Rheumatology Department
During this visit, the investigator physician will perform various examinations and tests usually performed as part of the patient's usual care and management in order to establish a diagnosis of osteoporosis.
These examinations are as follow:
Some patients who require profile radiographs of the spine will have this examination added for the consultation, especially for the evaluation of vertebral fractures if the context justifies it. Other patients will also have these x-rays to calculate the abdominal aortic calcification score (Kauppila score).
Body composition will be requested during the bone densitometry evaluation on the DXA machine.
Once the diagnosis of osteoporosis is confirmed, the physician will propose to eligible patients to participate in this research protocol by explaining the objectives and the course of the study, and give them an information note.
If the patients are interested, the investigator physician will prescribe osteoporotic treatment to be started after the Visit 1: Day 0 inclusion visit.
Visit 1 - Inclusion visit (Day 0): PIC/CIC (2 hours)
During this visit, the physician will explain again the objectives and progress of the study with the different tests and questionnaires planned so that the patients can give their informed consent to participate.
During this visit, the following will be performed:
A medical examination,
A blood sample to measure magnesium levels and to obtain a collection of biological samples in order to:
A stool sample to obtain a biobank for subsequent microbiota analysis.
A cardiovascular exploration based on the measurement of the increase in the diameter of the brachial artery (FMD, "Flow-Mediated Dilation"); measurement of the increase in digital volume (RHI, "Reactive Hyperemia Index") and measurement of the microcirculatory perfusion of the skin at the level of the hand (FLD, "Flow Laser Doppler"), and measurement of the stiffness of the main arteries (aorta) by the technique of Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) measurement.
Exploration of sarcopenia: the following questionnaires and tests will be performed: SARC-F (Strength, Assistance with walking, Rising from a chair, Climbing stars, and Falls), SPPB (Short Physical Performance Battery), the measurement of the muscular function and DXA with the measurement of the body composition.
Pain exploration: Numerical Pain Scale (NPS), Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), and pain thresholds.
Quality of life component questionnaires: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADs) and the 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36).
Randomization into two groups: a "bisphosphonates associated with magnesium" group, and a "bisphosphonates alone" group.
Delivery of a daily follow-up diary to evaluate the average pain per day, the consumption of analgesics, and the occurrence of any adverse effects.
For the "bisphosphonates alone" group, this diary will be completed for the first month of taking bisphosphonates (Month 1) as well as for the last month before the end of study visit at one year (Month 12).
For the "bisphosphonates combined with magnesium" group, a diary will also be given to them for the first month of taking bisphosphonates and a second will be given to them at visit 2 which will cover the period of taking magnesium over the last 3 months preceding the end-of-study visit (Months 10 to 12).
Visit 2 only for patients in the bisphosphonate-magnesium arm (Day 0+9 months): PIC/CIC (15 minutes)
At this visit, 9 months after the start of the trial, a blood test will be performed to measure magnesium levels, and then patients will be given magnesium treatment to take daily for 3 months before their 1-year visit (during months 10, 11 and 12). Finally, they will be given a follow-up diary to evaluate the average pain per Numerical Pain Scale, the daily consumption of analgesics, and the occurrence of possible adverse effects.
→ In addition, for the patients in this group, a phone call will be made by the project team 6 weeks after the start of the magnesium treatment to ensure good tolerance and compliance with the magnesium intake.
Visit 3 - End of study visit at 1 year (Day 0+1 year): PIC/CIC (1h15)
During this visit, the following examinations, tests and questionnaires will be performed:
Visit 3 will be the last visit of the study.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
45 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Lise Laclautre
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites