The purpose of this study is to provide prospective evidence that the Magseed Pro® marker /Sentimag® Gen3 system is safe and effective for marking A. suspicious/biopsy-proven positive axillary lymph nodes; and B. soft tissue lesions including cancer and pre-cancerous change in the breast
Full description
The purpose of this study is to provide prospective evidence that the Magseed Pro® marker /Sentimag® Gen3 system is safe and effective for marking A. suspicious/biopsy-proven positive axillary lymph nodes; and B. soft tissue lesions including cancer and pre-cancerous change in the breast The devices used in this clinical trial are the Magseed Pro® marker and Sentimag® Gen3 system by Endomagnetics Limited.
The Endomag Magseed Pro® Marker System is intended to be placed within the target soft tissue prior to planned surgical removal. The marker, when used in conjunction with the Sentimag® Gen 3 System, can be used as a guide for the surgeon to follow in the excision of tissue. The Sentimag® Gen3 Magnetic Localisation System when used with the Magseed family of markers is indicated to assist in localising soft tissue lesions.
The study design is a multicentre international prospective, open label, study of Magseed Pro® marker and Sentimag® Gen3 system in patients with breast and/or lymph node pathology with:
A. axillary lymph nodes requiring localisation prior to surgical excision (suspicious and/or biopsy proven lymph node or other pathology indicating removal) and/or B. breast lesions requiring localisation
Patients will have the Magseed Pro® marker placed to mark A. surgical excision of suspicious/biopsy-proven axillary lymph node as part of a targeted lymph node biopsy procedure AND/OR B. breast lesions in patients undergoing surgical excision of the targeted breast lesion The Magseed Pro® marker will be localised using the Sentimag® Gen3 system and therafter surgically removed with the target tissue.
This study will enrol 224 patients; 112 with Magseed Pro® marker placed to mark breast lesions and 112 with Magseed Pro® marker placed to mark nodes.
The expected duration of enrolment is approximately 9 months across all sites with each individual subject's participation lasting approximately 1-38 weeks after enrolment.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion Criteria:• Pregnant or nursing subjects and those who plan pregnancy during the clinical investigation follow-up period. A pregnancy test is required for all women of childbearing potential within 7 days before enrolment.
Primary purpose
Interventional model
224 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Tanja Odeneg, Dr; Matt Womack, Dr
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites