

Magseed Pro(R)/ Sentimag(R) Gen3






Breast Cancer


Device: Magseed Pro(R) and Sentimag(R) Gen3 by Endomagnetics

Study type


Funder types



Details and patient eligibility


The purpose of this study is to provide prospective evidence that the Magseed Pro® marker /Sentimag® Gen3 system is safe and effective for marking A. suspicious/biopsy-proven positive axillary lymph nodes; and B. soft tissue lesions including cancer and pre-cancerous change in the breast

Full description

The purpose of this study is to provide prospective evidence that the Magseed Pro® marker /Sentimag® Gen3 system is safe and effective for marking A. suspicious/biopsy-proven positive axillary lymph nodes; and B. soft tissue lesions including cancer and pre-cancerous change in the breast The devices used in this clinical trial are the Magseed Pro® marker and Sentimag® Gen3 system by Endomagnetics Limited.

The Endomag Magseed Pro® Marker System is intended to be placed within the target soft tissue prior to planned surgical removal. The marker, when used in conjunction with the Sentimag® Gen 3 System, can be used as a guide for the surgeon to follow in the excision of tissue. The Sentimag® Gen3 Magnetic Localisation System when used with the Magseed family of markers is indicated to assist in localising soft tissue lesions.

The study design is a multicentre international prospective, open label, study of Magseed Pro® marker and Sentimag® Gen3 system in patients with breast and/or lymph node pathology with:

A. axillary lymph nodes requiring localisation prior to surgical excision (suspicious and/or biopsy proven lymph node or other pathology indicating removal) and/or B. breast lesions requiring localisation

Patients will have the Magseed Pro® marker placed to mark A. surgical excision of suspicious/biopsy-proven axillary lymph node as part of a targeted lymph node biopsy procedure AND/OR B. breast lesions in patients undergoing surgical excision of the targeted breast lesion The Magseed Pro® marker will be localised using the Sentimag® Gen3 system and therafter surgically removed with the target tissue.

This study will enrol 224 patients; 112 with Magseed Pro® marker placed to mark breast lesions and 112 with Magseed Pro® marker placed to mark nodes.

The expected duration of enrolment is approximately 9 months across all sites with each individual subject's participation lasting approximately 1-38 weeks after enrolment.


224 estimated patients




18+ years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Participant is willing and able to give informed consent for participation in the study
  • Participant is aged 18 years or older at the time of consent.
  • Patients requiring breast lesion/axillary node marking and excision

Exclusion Criteria:• Pregnant or nursing subjects and those who plan pregnancy during the clinical investigation follow-up period. A pregnancy test is required for all women of childbearing potential within 7 days before enrolment.

  • Presence of other anatomic or comorbid conditions, or other medical, social, or psychological conditions that, in the investigator's opinion, could limit the subject's ability to participate in the clinical trial or to comply with follow up requirements, or impact the scientific soundness of the clinical trial results
  • Known hypersensitivity to Nitinol
  • Subject has current active infection at the implantation site in the breast (per investigator discretion)

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


None (Open label)

224 participants in 2 patient groups

axillary lymph nodes requiring localisation prior to surgical excision
Other group
The Magseed Pro® marker is intended to be placed percutaneously in suspicious/biopsy proven positive axillary lymph nodes under imaging guidance to mark tissue intended for selective surgical removal. The Magseed Pro® marker is localised using the Sentimag® Gen3 system handheld probes and surgically removed within/from the target tissue.
Device: Magseed Pro(R) and Sentimag(R) Gen3 by Endomagnetics
breast lesions requiring localisation
Other group
The Magseed Pro® marker is intended to be placed percutaneously in breast lesions under imaging guidance to mark tissue intended for selective surgical removal. The Magseed Pro® marker is localised using the Sentimag® Gen3 system handheld probes and surgically removed within/from the target tissue.
Device: Magseed Pro(R) and Sentimag(R) Gen3 by Endomagnetics

Trial contacts and locations



Central trial contact

Tanja Odeneg, Dr; Matt Womack, Dr

Data sourced from

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