Study type
Funder types
Evaluation of the marginal bone and soft tissue alterations after the OsseoSpeed™ EV Profile implants placement in anterior maxilla.
The following parameters will be tested:
Full description
Surgical procedures
Flap will be elevated following the crestal and releasing incisions (if necessary).
After having completed the cleaning, the surgeon will perform the osteotomy. After the use of the final drill ᴓ3.2 the surgeon will take the measurement of the buccal and palatal/lingual walls height.
If wall discrepancy is 1.5-2mm the site will be included in the study. Clinical photographs of probe within the osteotomy have to be taken. The osteotomy will be prepared with the conical drill, therefore the implant will be inserted in a special manner - lower part of the sloped collar will be located at the buccal aspect of the osteotomy preparation. At the buccal aspect the implant will positioned at the crestal bone level, while at the palatal aspect it will be either at the level of the bone crest or 0.5 mm below.
The flap will be sutured with 5/0 or 6/0 non-absorbable Ethilon sutures using the mattress and single interrupted sutures. Clinical photographs of the treated site after flap suturing will be taken.
Post-surgical instructions and follow-up
Check-ups and maintenance Appointments will be scheduled at weeks 1, 2, 4, and 6. Clinical photographs will be taken. During these appointments the presence of suppuration and flap dehiscence will be recorded dichotomously as presence/absence.
Uncovering procedure will be scheduled at 8 weeks post-op. After crestal incision and gentle flap elevation the height of denudated buccal implant surface (if present) will be measured using a periodontal probe. Then the healing abutment will be screwed in and single interrupted sutures will be placed with the use 5/0 or 6/0 non-absorbable Ethilon sutures (if necessary). Suture removal is planned 7 days after procedure. Clinical photographs will be taken.
Temporary crown will be delivered 3 months post implant placement. Clinical examination (PES, PI) will be performed. Photographs and control CBCT will be taken.
Final prosthetic reconstruction will be delivered 6 months post-op. Clinical examination (PES, PI) will be performed as well as clinical photographs will be taken.
1 year evaluation Clinical examination (PES, PI) will be performed. Clinical photographs of the study site will be taken. Control CBCT will be taken.
In case of any complication observed during any of the scheduled visit or during an emergency visit, intraoral radiographs and clinical photographs will be taken and the CRF will be filled in.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
30 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites