This observational natural history study will follow individuals with MEHMO (Mental disability, Epileptic seizure, Hypopituitarism/Hypogenitalism, Microcephaly, Obesity) syndrome or an eIF2-pathway related disorder, who have symptoms such as intellectual delay, seizures, abnormal hormone and blood sugar levels, and decreased motor skills.
No current treatment for these conditions is available. A major impediment to the testing of potential therapeutic interventions is the lack of well-defined outcome measures. This protocol seeks to identify biochemical and clinical markers to monitor disease progression, and better understand the natural history of these conditions.
Any person diagnosed with MEHMO syndrome or related conditions, who can travel to the NIH Clinical Center can participate in this study.
The study involves:
Full description
Study Description: This is a prospective natural history study of individuals who have MEHMO syndrome or eIF2-pathway related conditions, or who are carriers of EIF2S3-related conditions to generate hypotheses for further understanding of disease pathophysiology, diagnosis, prognosis, management, and treatment. The protocol aims to enroll and follow affected or carrier individuals longitudinally to establish a repository of concurrent evaluations and biomaterials, as well as to enroll unaffected individuals for collection of informative comparable data and samples.
Primary Objective:
Characterize the presentation of MEHMO syndrome and eIF2 pathway related conditions.
Secondary Objectives:
Primary Endpoint:
Frequency and time-to-event of signs and symptoms.
Secondary Endpoints:
Study Population: 25 affected individuals 1-week of age or older 25 EIF2S3-variant carrier individuals 1-month of age or older 50 unaffected individuals 1 month of age or older of any sex, race, ethnicity, geographic location who can participate without increased risk to personal health.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
To be eligible to participate in this study, an individual must meet the following criteria:
Be greater than or equal to 1-week of age if affected, or greater than or equal to 1-month of age if unaffected.
For Screening:
Have a combination of signs/symptoms suggestive of MEHMO syndrome, AND no or inconclusive molecular testing.
For Main Study
Have a combination of signs/symptoms suggestive of MEHMO syndrome, AND disease-associated variant(s) or variant(s) of uncertain significance in one of the eIF2-
pathway related genes
Be a first-degree relative of an individual with EIF2S3-related MEHMO syndrome, AND a carrier of the pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant.
Be a non-affected, non-carrier family member of an individual with MEHMO syndrome or an eIF2-pathway related condition.
Exclusion Criteria
Any individual who, in the opinion of the Investigators, is unable to comply with the protocol
or have medical conditions that would potentially increase the risk of participation will be
excluded from participation in this study.
150 participants in 3 patient groups
Central trial contact
An N Dang Do, M.D.
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites