Treatment of acute stroke must be fast. The aim of this trial is to show feasibility, safety and clinical benefit of a strategy of diagnosis and treatment directly at the emergency site for hyperacute treatment and transfer to the most appropriate target hospital. The effects on reduction delays until different stroke treatments will be assessed. First estimations of cost-effectiveness will also be performed.
Full description
Stroke is a medical emergency for which "time-is-brain". Indeed, a huge body of animal experimental and clinical evidence exists that demonstrates that reducing the time to thrombolytic therapy is the most important variable in prevention of the disability. However, most stroke patients arrive to hospital too late for any type of acute stroke treatment: Only an estimated 19-60% of stroke patients present within 3 hours after symptom onset. Today, for stroke patients 3 different treatment options exist.
However, each of these treatment are highly time sensitive and due the availability of endovascular and neurosurgical treatment options only in very few highly specialized neurovascular centres decision in which institution the patient should be transported is of high medical and financial relevance. The aim of this trial is to show feasibility, safety and clinical benefit of a strategy of diagnosis and treatment directly at the emergency site and its role in decision regarding transfer to appropriate target institution, thus potentially allowing reduction of time until treatment and delays until specialized treatment also in remote regions. First estimations of cost-effectiveness will also be performed.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
116 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites