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This project evaluated a multimedia student behavior management program for school bus drivers and school administrators.
Full description
We developed a comprehensive multimedia training program for transportation departments. In the Driver's Seat: A Roadmap to Managing Student Behavior on the Bus guides transportation departments in creating and maintaining a safe, responsible, and positive environment on the bus through drivers' use of effective student behavior management techniques. The program teaches skills for the bus context based on the principles of positive behavior supports and the foundational work of Sprick and colleagues (Sprick, 1990; Sprick, Garrison, & Howard, 2002; Sprick, Sprick, & Garrison, 1992). In the Driver's Seat was designed as a stand-alone DVD-based training program for school bus drivers of elementary schools, using video examples presenting real driver and student interactions on the bus. A computer-based program for transportation supervisors supplemented the driver training materials and included information for supervisors about developing and maintaining department-wide transportation policies, as well as an overview of the bus driver training materials and instructions for their use.
The components of the In the Driver's Seat bus driver training program could be implemented by a transportation team without the need of an expert and could be used to train new personnel or review and refresh veteran personnel's skills. The DVD-based component was designed for use by a transportation supervisor or driver trainer in a group setting with drivers and augmented the material presented in the drivers' program.
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710 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites