

Muscle Energy Technique in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain


Riphah International University




Nonspecific Low Back Pain


Other: Hamstring and abdominal muscle activation
Other: Muscle energy technique on iliotibial band

Study type


Funder types



REC/01993 FareehaZehra

Details and patient eligibility


The aim of this Randomized control trial is to find out the comparative effects of muscle energy technique on iliotibial band versus hamstring and abdominal muscle activation in patients with non specific low back pain in improving pain intensity and functional disability. The sample size was 28. Subjects are randomly divided into two groups. 14 subjects in muscle energy technique group and 14 in hamstring and abdominal muscle activation group. Study duration was of 6 months. Sampling technique applied was Non probability purposive sampling. Subjects between the age group 18- 40 years with acute non specific low back were included. Tools used are Numeric pain rating scale and Oswestry disability index.

Full description

Non-specific low back pain is a mechanical pain of musculoskeletal origin in which symptoms vary with the nature of physical activities. It manifests as pain, muscle tension, or stiffness that is localized below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds and is not attributed to a specific pathology with or without leg pain involvement. The lower back area, which extends from the end of the ribs to the start of the legs, feels tight, painful, and rigid.

A study conducted to investigate the immediate effects of MET of Quadratus Lamborum in chronic low back pain patients with functional leg length discrepancy. The outcomes of the study concluded that MET showed significant changes in pelvic alignment, leg length, pain, and fatigue. In a research conducted in 2020 to see the effectiveness of exercise with balloon and interferential therapy for pain and disability in low back pain in young adults . This study concluded that greater effect of 90/90 bridge with ball and balloon exercise on patients with mechanical low back pain. Individuals with low back pain often exhibit reduced hamstring muscle flexibility and altered pelvic range of motion as shortened and inflexible hamstring muscles can exert tension on the pelvis, leading to non-specific low back pain and disruptions in lumbar pelvic rhythm. Addressing hamstring flexibility is crucial for effective management of low back pain. Moreover, disturbances in the lower extremity kinematic chain, particularly involving the iliotibial band (ITB), can further impact pelvic biomechanics. Poor muscle coordination and decreased intrinsic postural muscle activity may compromise spinal stability in individuals with low back pain. The rationale of the present study is to find out the effectiveness of muscle energy technique on iliotibial band versus hamstring and abdominal muscles activation in non-specific low back pain patients, pain and disability. To compare the effectiveness of muscle energy technique on iliotibial band and hamstring and abdominal muscles activation in non-specific low back pain patients in improving pain intensity and functional disability.


28 estimated patients




18 to 40 years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • Both gender
  • Age between 18 to 40 years.
  • Participants with acute non specific low back pain.
  • Participants with postural low back pain.

Exclusion criteria

  • Participants of age more than 40 years.
  • Patients with history of lumbopelvic surgery.
  • Having history of spinal or pelvic fracture, trauma of motor vehicle accident, fracture of lower extremity.
  • Participants having systemic disease such as arthritis, TB, liver or kidney failure.
  • Participants suffering from osteoporosis, psychiatric disorders, hematomas or abscesses.

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


None (Open label)

28 participants in 2 patient groups

Muscle energy technique
Active Comparator group
Post isometric relaxation technique is performed after positioning the patient and was asked to apply 30% force against therapist force and hold that contraction for 7- 10seconds and after that relax for 5seconds and when patient exhale. Therapists take muscle to new restriction barrier; hold this position for 10-60 seconds . Technique is performed 3-5 reps along with conventional treatment for 3 consecutive weeks.
Other: Muscle energy technique on iliotibial band
Hamstring and abdominal muscle activation
Experimental group
Techniques which target hamstring and abdominal muscle activation is 90/90 hip lift with balloon. It is performed in supine lying position such that lie on back with feet on a wall and knees and hips bent at 90 degrees angle. Place a 4-6" ball between knees. Place right arm above head and a balloon in left hand. Now inhale through nose and slowly blow out into the balloon. Pause 3 seconds with tongue on the roof of mouth to prevent airflow out of the balloon. Slowly blow out as stabilize the balloon .it is performed along with conventional therapy of moist pack for 15 mins, pelvic bridging, pelvic rolling.
Other: Hamstring and abdominal muscle activation

Trial contacts and locations



Central trial contact

Imran Amjad

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