

Non-operative Treatment Versus Volar Locking Plate in Treatment of Distal Radius Fracture in Patients Over 65 Years


Tampere University Hospital




Distal Radius Fracture


Procedure: non-operative treatment
Procedure: operative treatment

Study type


Funder types



Details and patient eligibility


The present collaboration study on the treatment of distal radius fractures is aimed to:

(i) to compare non-operative treatment to volar plating in the treatment of initially malaligned distal radius fractures in patients aged 65 and older in terms of functional outcome measured with PRWE

(ii) to compare non-operative treatment to volar plating in the treatment of distal radius fractures with early instability during follow-up, i.e., loss of reduction at 1 week (range 5 to 10 days) in patients aged 65 and older in terms of functional outcome measured with PRWE

(iii)to compare pain, disability, quality of life, grip strength, and the number of complications after non-operative treatment and the initial and delayed operative treatment of distal radius fracture

(iv) to assess the effect of pain catastrophizing score (PCS) on the functional outcome of non-operatively and operatively treated distal radius fracture

(v) to assess the association between physical activity and the number of wrist movements measured with Axivity accelerometer and functional outcome measured with PROMs of non-operatively and operatively treated distal radius fractures

(vi) to assess the effect of initial as well as the final radiological parameters on the functional outcome

(vii) to assess the correlation of probability of radiological malalignment estimated by clinical prediction rule (EWC) with functional outcome measured with PRWE and PASS


277 patients




65+ years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • low energy intra or extra-articular dorsally displaced distal radius fracture within 3 cm of the radiocarpal joint, diagnosed with lateral and posterior-anterior radiographs in ER
  • >10° dorsal tilt and/or over 2 mm step-off and/or over 3 mm shortening in the radiograph

Exclusion criteria

  • Refuse to participate the study
  • Open fracture more than Gustilo 1 gradus
  • Age under 65 years
  • Chauffeure's or Barton´s fracture
  • Smith´s fracture (volar angulation of the fracture)
  • Does not understand written and spoken guidance in local languages
  • Pathological fracture or previous fracture in the same wrist or forearm

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


Triple Blind

277 participants in 2 patient groups

Cohort 1
Other group
Early ustable fracture: Phase 1: After closed reduction, if satisfactory reduction is not achieved fulfilling the inclusion criteria, the patient is allocated to Cohort 1. The patient is randomized to either non-operative (=Arm 1) or operative treatment (=Arm 2). Patients allocated to non-operative treatment will undergo a standard treatment protocol. Patients allocated to operative treatment will undergo a surgery with volar locking plate with modified Henry's volar approach.
Procedure: operative treatment
Procedure: non-operative treatment
Cohort 2
Other group
Early stable fracture: Phase 1: After closed reduction, if satisfactory position is achieved, the patient is allocated to Cohort 2 and conservative treatment is performed as usually. Phase 2: Patients allocated to Cohort 2, will visit orthopedic outpatient clinic in 1 week in the hospital where the treatment was initially started. If reduction is maintained the patient will undergo standard follow-up visits. If reduction is lost to fulfill the inclusion criteria for surgery the patient is asked to participate to phase 2 of this study. After the patient´s enrollment has been confirmed and informed consent is signed, the patient is randomized to either non-operative (=Arm 3N) or operative treatment (=Arm 3O). If allocated to non-operative treatment patient will undergo the same protocol as those in the Arm 1. Patients allocated to operative treatment will undergo surgery with volar locking plate with standard volar approach.
Procedure: operative treatment
Procedure: non-operative treatment

Trial contacts and locations



Central trial contact

Ville Mattila, Prof

Data sourced from

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