The purpose of this clinical evaluation is to collect patient outcome data on a commercially available 510K FDA-approved product that is derived from minimal processing of Atlantic cod fish skin: KerecisTM Omega3 Wound.
In this trial, two groups of UT grade IA/1C diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), full skin thickness or extending through the subcutaneous or fat layers but not into tendon, muscle, or bone will receive standard of care (SOC) treatment for their condition. Patients will be randomized to SOC treatment and a 510k FDA-approved collagen alginate dressing (Fibracol Plus) or SOC and KerecisTM Omega3 Wound. The primary endpoint is the percentage of index ulcers (the ulcers being treated in the study) healed at 12 weeks in which two groups that will be compared are SOC with Fibracol Plus or SOC with KerecisTM Omega3 Wound
Full description
The study is a prospective, multi-center, parallel-group RCT designed to collect outcome data for the treatment of DFUs. The trial will be single blinded in regard to wound healing assessment (confirmation of wound healing will be overseen by an independent wound care adjudicator).
There are two arms in the study, both of which will receive standard of care (SOC): offloading of the DFU (CAM boots (Royce walker with diabetic inlay or equivalent) or total contact casting [TCC] if compliance issues or the subject's foot is too large for a CAM), appropriate sharp or surgical debridement. Patients cannot be on systemic antibiotics prior to randomization, infection management during treatment phase can include systemic antibiotics only in conjunction with debridement.
Arm 1 will receive, in addition, a fish skin graft (KerecisTM Omega3 Wound) secured with Steristrips, sutures or staples, covered with a nonadherent dressing (Adaptic, Systagenix, Yorkshire, UK or equivalent), the product bolstered down to the wound bed with a foam dressing (HydraFoam, DermaRite) and hydrogel as needed to retain adequate moisture balance and padded with stretch gauze and self adherent wrap as needed.
Arm 2 will receive a wound care covering comprising collagen alginate Fibracol plus dressing followed by a padded dressing comprised of 4x4 gauze pads, stretch gauze and self adherent wrap The wound will be dressed by patients or their caregivers at home 3 times a week and by the site investigator 1 day a week.
The study involves two phases: Screening and Treatment
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
100 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites