Mental health has become an increasing concern, especially among children and adolescents in schools. However, not all individuals in mental suboptimal states require pharmacological treatment. With the development of internet technology, internet-based psychological therapy methods are considered to have tremendous potential and are being given significant attention. Simultaneously, due to their convenience, these approaches are widely applied. Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT) can achieve its therapeutic effect by improving activation patterns of the brain's internal networks to promote self-regulation. Music Therapy (MT) can make peoples gradually relax via relaxing and soothing music, and regulate individual psychological emotions through the influence of music on individuals' cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and limbic system, further improve the mood of daily tension and anxiety. Health Education works to provide parents with knowledge and information about mental health, aiming to help them better understand and support their own and their children's mental health, thereby improving parent-child relationships.
The study was designed as a randomized clinical trial with four groups, the CCBT group, the MT group, the Health Education group and the control group in children and adolescent .The CCBT group, the MT group, and the Health Education group all completed their interventions through online self-help therapy. The control group did not receive any intervention. Data collection was conducted by trained, certified and qualified personnel.
The mental health intervention is a crucial component of the "School-based Evaluation Advancing Response for Child Health (SEARCH)" cohort study, focusing on observing changes in the population undergoing the intervention within the cohort study.
Full description
The online intervention study was a population-based, cluster-randomized controlled trial that aimed to evaluate the efficacy of various interventions promoting mental health in children and adolescent.
The CCBT intervention consisted of two components: (a) The participants were presented with 12 modules. All modules were based on the cognitive- behavioral model by Beck and informed by the updated procedures by J. Beck and Wright. Modules 1-2 introduce the definitions, symptoms, causes and basic cognitive models of depression and anxiety. Modules 3-6 describe how to identify cognitive distortions and deal with negative automatic thoughts in daily life. Modules 7-8 mainly focus on behavioral activation and dealing with intermediate beliefs. Modules 9-11 center on learning about structured problem-solving approaches and core beliefs. Module 12 describes a summary of treatment and relapse prevention. (b) After each module is completed, we send a notification of homework to the subjects, and their compliance is assessed by registering completed modules and homework. The experimental group received a 4-week CCBT intervention, which consisted of completing 3 modules every week, each taking roughly 20 minutes.
All the participants of Music Therapy will be treated with 12 sessions (3 sessions per week),15 minutes each time, and conducted for 4 weeks. The MT is mainly divided into three stages, and each stage has a topic. The topic of each stage as follow: physical and mental relaxation stage: learning the whole body and mind relaxation mode from breathing to muscle; nature imagination stage: guiding music imagination; internal self-exploration: excavating the positive experience and positive potential of the listener and adopting resource orientation for psychological intervention.
The health education group will conduct a series of mental health lectures through the WeChat Mini Program on a weekly basis, with each session lasting for 30 minutes, spanning over a duration of four weeks. The themes of mental health lectures were:1.Parents communicate well with their children, and they thrive in the sun;2.Three effective increments in the growth of adolescents;3.early identification and intervention of adolescent emotional disorders;4.brain and emotions. While the control group did not receive any intervention during the same time.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
7,000 participants in 4 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites