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The study aims are to: 1) optimize the Transdiagnostic Sleep and Circadian Intervention (TranS-C) for delivery to Veterans in cardiac rehabilitation, 2) test and refine the adapted TranS-C treatment manual and protocol, and 3) conduct a pilot randomized trial to establish the feasibility, acceptability, and plausibility of the intervention protocol and study procedures.
Full description
Aim 1 will involve formative work to optimize the TranS-C manual and protocol for delivery in Cardiac Rehabilitation, with input from Veterans and provider stakeholders. Aim 2 will involve a preliminary test and refinement of the adapted TranS-C manual and protocol with a small sample of Veterans who are participating in cardiac rehabilitation and report sleep disturbance and/or sleep-related impairment. Aim 3 will involve a pilot randomized trial to establish the feasibility, acceptability, and plausibility of the intervention protocol and study procedures. Veterans in cardiac rehabilitation with sleep disturbance and/or sleep-related impairment will be randomized to TranS-C + Usual Care or Usual Care. Treatment satisfaction will be assessed at 3-months; sleep disturbance and sleep-related impairment, disability and functioning, and health-related quality of life will be assessed at baseline, 3-months, and 6-months to determine measure responsiveness and provide preliminary insight into treatment effects.
Of note, information provided in this entry (e.g., design, eligibility criteria, outcomes, etc.) pertains only to Aim 3 which includes the pilot randomized trial. Consistent with Stage I of the NIH stage model of behavioral intervention development research, results from Aim 1 and 2 activities may lead to modifications to the pilot protocol and procedures in Aim 3.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
0 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites