

Osteocel® Plus in Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF)

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Degenerative Disc Disease


Biological: Osteocel Plus

Study type


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Details and patient eligibility


This study is being conducted to determine the percentage of patients with solid spinal fusions after being treated with Osteocel Plus in a TLIF procedure. Due to the unique processing conditions, Osteocel Plus retains a high concentration of stem cells in conjunction with the allograft bone matrix, so it is hypothesized that the fusion rate with Osteocel Plus will be comparable to published data for autograft. The Osteocel product family has already been used in approximately 15,000 cases worldwide.

Full description

This is a prospective, non-randomized multi-center study to compare the use of Osteocel Plus in subjects who receive TLIF surgery at one or two levels. These subjects will present with degenerative conditions in the lumbar spine that are amenable to surgical treatment and will be screened prior to study enrollment. Subjects will receive Osteocel Plus during their TLIF operation. Subjects will be followed for 24-months following surgery to determine the number of study subjects that are solidly fused at or before 24 months postoperatively, and to determine the mean time to fusion. This data will be compared to published and/or retrospective data for autograft, synthetic ceramics and BMP.


19 patients




18 to 70 years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  1. Persistent back and/or leg pain unresponsive to conservative treatment for at least six (6) months, unless clinically indicated earlier
  2. Indicated for interbody fusion of one or two contiguous lumbar segments (L1 to S1)
  3. Objective evidence of primary diagnosis must be confirmed by appropriate imaging studies
  4. 18-70 years of age at the date of written informed consent
  5. Able to undergo surgery based on physical exam, medical history and surgeon judgment
  6. Expected to survive at least 2 years beyond surgery
  7. Willing and able to return for post-treatment exams according to the follow-up called for in the protocol
  8. Signed and dated Informed Consent Form

Exclusion criteria

  1. Patient has a mental or physical condition that would limit the ability to comply with study requirements
  2. Lumbar spine abnormality requiring treatment at more than two levels
  3. Systemic or local infection; active or latent
  4. Previous failed fusion at the operative level
  5. Diseases that significantly inhibit bone healing (osteoporosis, metabolic bone disease, uncontrolled diabetes, dialysis dependent renal failure, symptomatic liver disease)
  6. Undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment, or chronic use of steroids (defined as more than 6 weeks of steroid use within 12 months of surgery, other than episodic use or inhaled corticosteroids)
  7. Pregnant, or plans to become pregnant during the study
  8. Subject is a prisoner
  9. Involvement in active litigation relating to the spine (worker's compensation claim is allowed if it is not contended)
  10. A significant general illness (e.g., HIV, active metastatic cancer of any type) is present; subject is immunocompromised or is being treated with immunosuppressive agents
  11. Participating in another clinical study that would confound study data

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