Clinician directed prophylactic swallowing therapy will improve immediate (four weeks +/- two weeks) and short-term (26 weeks +/- four weeks) post-treatment swallowing function and quality of life versus patient directed home exercises.
The purpose of this prospective, interventional, pilot investigation is to determine whether clinician directed swallowing therapy will improve patient swallowing function outcomes and quality of life in the immediate and short-term basis compared to patients receiving standard of care patient directed independent home swallowing therapy. Patient compliance with home exercises programs is reportedly inconsistent. Patients may experience changes in their physical functioning and overall well-being that may impact their ability to follow-through with independent home therapy. Clinician directed swallowing therapy allows for ongoing assessment of changes that may warrant modifying the therapy program in terms of intensity of exercises and/or expectations. This facilitates individualizing the patient's therapy plan to maximize their function and ability to achieve goals. It is anticipated that individualizing swallowing therapy through weekly session will result in improved swallowing function.
Full description
This is a single-site, two-arm, 1:1 randomized, prospective, interventional, pilot study to determine whether clinician directed swallowing therapy will improve patient swallowing function outcomes when compared to patient-directed home-based swallowing therapy.
The investigators anticipate at least 40 subjects will need to be enrolled/consented in order to obtain the accrual goal of 15 evaluable subjects for each group for a total of 30 participants.
All subjects in each group will receive a face-to-face education session with a speech pathologist to review a recommended program of swallowing exercises prior to initiation of chemoradiation at their baseline (pre-treatment evaluation session).
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
30 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites