The overall goal of this study is to develop and test a novel method involving ultrasound imaging, in order to detect the development of type 1 diabetes. In this study the investigators will first establish a standard operating procedure for measuring pancreas blood flow speed and volume in the pancreas of human subjects. The investigators will then determine 1) whether these pancreas blood flow factors differ between healthy subjects and those who have recently developed type1 diabetes; and 2) how variable measurements are in healthy subjects and subjects that recently developed type1 diabetes, both between subjects and over time. To address these aims the investigators will perform pancreas ultrasound measurements in each subject using an approved injectable 'bubble' contrast agent that allows measurement of pancreas blood flow. The investigators will compare ultrasound measurement with characteristics of the subject's type 1 diabetes, including genetic factors, glucose levels and other circulating factors, as well as other factors that may influence blood flow in the pancreas independent of type1 diabetes. The successful conclusion of this study will indicate whether measuring pancreas blood flow speed/volume will be helpful in monitoring whether type1 diabetes will emerge and thus will allow a large scale study to answer this question.
Full description
Study Design and Research Methods
Part I:
5 subjects from SOP group Goal: Optimize settings for destruction-replenishment contrast-enhanced ultrasound scan
Part II:
30 subjects from control group (healthy controls and multiple islet autoantibody positive subjects), 15 subjects from T1D group.
Goal: characterize subject variability and test whether healthy subjects and those with T1D show differing contrast measures
In part I a single repeat measurement may be made to aide in the optimization of data collection. In part II a single repeat measurement is made to assess short-term intra-subject measurement variability.
In part I and part II, a subject will be asked to return on a separate date (within 1 year of the initial scan) for a repeat procedure using an additional DEFINITY delivery method (bolus or infusion, whichever was not given at the initial visit) or if data collection was not of sufficient quality during the first visit.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
50 participants in 3 patient groups
Central trial contact
Hali Broncucia; Morgan Sooy
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites