Status and phase
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The main goal of this study is to estimate the tumor response rate of temozolomide administered in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b to pediatric patients with unresectable Stage III, metastatic, or recurrent cutaneous melanoma.
Full description
This study is for children with malignant melanoma and high risk features (at high risk of melanoma returning or spreading to other parts of the body) or who have recurrent disease. The study has two treatment groups based on the stage of the disease. Patients with stage IIC, IIIA or IIIB melanoma whose tumors have been removed by surgery will be treated in study group A. These patients will receive 4 weeks of high dose interferon alfa-2b followed by 48 weeks of peginterferon. Patients with stage IIIC or IV melanoma, stage III melanoma that could not be removed by surgery and those with recurrent disease will be treated in study group B. These patients will receive peginterferon alfa-2b and temozolomide.
Stratum A: Resected Stages IIC, IIIA, and IIIB patients
Induction therapy (weeks 1-4): Subjects will receive recombinant interferon alfa-2b 20 million units/m2 per day intravenously over 20-30 minutes on 5 consecutive days per week for 4 weeks. Subjects will receive peginterferon alfa-2b 1 mcg/kg/week subcutaneously for a total of 48 weeks.
Stratum B: Resected Stage IIIC, unresectable Stage III, Stage IV, and recurrent patients
Stratum B is divided into 2 groups based on the presence (Stratum B1) or absence (Stratum B2) of measurable disease. Subjects will receive 8 weekly doses of peginterferon alfa-2b 0.5 mcg/kg/dose subcutaneously in combination with temozolomide 75mg/m2/dose by mouth daily for 6 weeks followed by 2 week break. The duration of each treatment course will be 8 weeks. Strata B2 (no measurable disease) will proceed with 7 courses as outlined.
Surgery interventions -Associated with both Strata A and B Surgery description: All subjects with initial presentation of melanoma (T1-4) will be treated with primary wide local excision with a minimum of 1cm margin (if anatomically feasible) surrounding the primary lesion or biopsy scar. For lesions with Breslow's thickness of > 1mm or <or= with ulceration or Clark's level IV/V, a 2 cm margin is preferred when anatomically feasible. Subjects with sentinel lymph node(s) positive for disease, will undergo complete lymph node dissection of the involved nodal basin.
Additional objectives include:
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
29 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites