In patients with gunshot wounds during hostilities in Ukraine, 76.9% have negative results of pain treatment, which leads to its chronicity. Identifying predictors of negative pain outcomes in these patients may improve their treatment outcomes.
Full description
One of the strongest factors that has a psychological impact on a person is war and conditions in which injury occurs, conditions in which pain occurs. A gunshot wound received during the war in the conditions of hostilities becomes the reason for the indisputable association of pain sensations with the events in which the patient was injured. It is pain and memories, memories and pain that cause the development of states with self-destructive behavior. According to statistics, gunshot wounds account for 54-70%. Gunshot wounds to the chest during anti-terrorist operations/OOS make up 7.4-11.7%, shrapnel wounds prevail here - 72.2%, explosive wounds - 17.5%, bullet wounds - 10.3%, and lethality - 12.2 -25%. According to the data of the Command of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in the structure of gunshot injuries, 64% are injuries to the limbs: of them, 74.8% are soft tissues, 25.2% are gunshot fractures, bone defects are noted in 11.6% of patients, and wounded.
The study of predictors of negative results of pain treatment in patients with gunshot wounds requires in-depth study, because the subjective feelings and emotional experiences experienced by patients during the wounding in combat conditions have their own characteristics. Since in 76.9% of cases it is not possible to achieve a positive result of treatment, the data of our study will play an important role in their treatment.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
2,215 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites