Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) during pregnancy is a modifiable risk factor for poor maternal and fetal outcomes. The investigators propose a prospective observational study to assess the utility of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) administration (intervention) during pregnancy to reduce maternal and fetal morbidity. Secondarily, we will also perform a cohort study to assess the incidence of antenatal sleep-disordered breathing as measured by ambulatory sleep monitoring applied in the hospital setting.
Full description
CPAP application in SDB-diagnosed parturients will decrease fetal and maternal morbidity.
Specific Aims:
a. Screen = parturients affirm presence of snoring. b. Screen positive parturients are further assessed with 1-2 nights of ambulatory sleep and respiration monitor to confirm SDB b. SDB positive parturients are offered treatment, as per standard of care, with CPAP.
c. Screen positive parturients are reassessed with 1-2 nights of ambulatory sleep monitoring (whether or not CPAP is eventually applied) at two more intervals during pregnancy (during second and third trimesters), and then 6-8 weeks after delivery.
This study is designed as a prospective observational cohort study in order establish the concurrence of the disease (SDB) as it occurs with the increased "risk" or exposure to the vulnerable state (pregnancy) and presence of diagnosed fetal growth restriction. In addition, parturients who test positive for SDB will be assessed by a pulmonologist and offered standard of care therapy with CPAP, as appropriate. CPAP use will then be followed and assessed as a mitigating intervention to blunt fetal growth restriction. This study is a pilot in that we hope to establish the incidence of co-morbidities in order to appropriately plan for an adequate sample size in future intervention studies. Given the large overall parturient population that will be available to the study team, we believe that in one calendar year we will observe sufficient patients to establish the relationship of SDB during the antenatal pregnancy and fetal growth restriction.
Inclusion criteria
i. Prepartum
Exclusion criteria
• Patient refusal
Primary purpose
Interventional model
50 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Yehuda Ginosar, M.D.; Suzanne Karan, M.D.
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites