Purpose: To evaluate preimplantation genetic testing counseling interventions on patients undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment.
Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT) allows patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) to screen embryos for genetic disorders. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) is the testing most commonly ordered, and it screens for whole chromosome and large partial chromosome duplications or deletions. Currently, patient counseling varies based on the clinic, ranging from appointments to group seminars with a genetic counselor (GC), geneticist or reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI) physicians for education regarding PGT. Patient knowledge regarding PGT has been varied with some studies indicating sufficient knowledge, while other studies have shown a potential lack of knowledge. One study indicated a third of patients had regret regarding their decision of whether or not to use PGT-A during IVF and another study indicated patients who choose to undergo PGT did so for reasons that were not evidence based. Additionally, educational materials have been illustrated to be inconsistent and with inappropriate literacy in regards to PGT counseling. One study has shown the potential of improvement with written intervention amongst providers and patients in regards to PGT related to a single genetic condition. The investigators hope to assess the efficacy of PGT-A educational and counseling interventions on patients undergoing IVF.
Full description
Procedures: Patients undergoing IVF for the first time will be randomized to one of three groups
All patients will receive provider counseling(current standard of care) on PGT-A during their new IVF clinic visit. All groups will take a pre-test on PGT-A prior to receiving provider counseling and (if in an intervention group) prior to receiving handout or handout with brief counseling on PGT-A from a genetic counselor. At the end of their clinic visit, all participants will complete a post-test on PGT-A.
Two weeks after their clinic visit, all participants will receive a 2nd post-test on PGT-A and the SURE questionnaire to assess retained knowledge about PGT-A and decisional conflict about their choice to use PGT-A in their treatment cycle.
As there is not a validated knowledge survey for PGT-A, investigators have developed their own for pre- and post-tests. In order to validate the survey prior to using it in this study, investigators plan to enroll the first 100 participants in a pilot study to validate the instrument. The number needed for validation will depend on how much pilot participants scores vary between pre and post test. Participants in the pilot portion of the study will be asked to complete a pre-test on PGT-A, read the informational handout about PGT-A, and then complete a post test on PGT-A prior to their IVF appointment. Statisticians will analyze the pilot data as received, and will inform investigators when a sufficient number has been reached for survey validation. Once validated, the pilot arm of the study will be closed and will begin enrolling participants in the randomized trial portion described above.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
213 participants in 3 patient groups
Central trial contact
Karen Summers, MPH; Hakan Duran, MD
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites