The study will recruit participants on the occasion of their visit in a sexual health center or another HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) facility in France.
PrEP users will be proposed to fill a self-administered, online, anonymous questionnaire regarding how they perceive different fields of their sexual life, and how they perceive that PrEP has an impact on the quality of sexual life.
Full description
PrEP aims to protect against HIV; more broadly, PrEP is a holistic process, addressing vaccination (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus, MPox), sexually transmitted infection diagnosis, mental health, issues related to psychoactive substance use, etc.
This process is likely to impact not only "classical" health areas, but also fields concerning more widely the quality of life.
In particular, the investigators emit the hypothesis that PrEP is associated with an increase of the quality of sexual life.
the investigators have therefore designed a study based on a self-administered anonymous questionnaire to explore how PrEP user evaluate their quality of sexual life and how they perceive the impact of PrEP on this topic.
Adult PrEP users will be recruited through billboard in sexual health center or another PrEP facility in France. A QR (quick response) code will be displayed, giving access to the questionnaire.
Participation to the study is limited to fill once the questionnaire.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
1,000 participants in 1 patient group
Central trial contact
Olivier Epaulard, MD, PhD
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites