This study seeks to implement and evaluate a data-driven case navigation system for hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment among persons who are either actively injecting drugs or who are receiving opioid substitution therapy (OST). The study will use data from a previously developed patient registry system to identify patients for study recruitment, and use monthly updates of registry data to organize and direct patient navigation services for those individuals assigned to the treatment group. Patients assigned to the control group will also be eligible to receive HCV treatment, but will otherwise receive usual care.
This study has a parallel, randomized unblinded, case/control design in which eligible patients are assigned at baseline to either a registry-directed patient navigation system (case) or to usual care (control), characterized in terms of demographic and sub-population variables, and then compared after 12 months on two categories of outcomes; (1) attainment of care cascade milestones; and (2) treatment initiation, adherence, and virologic response. The study is designed and powered to answer two primary hypotheses (H1 & H2):
Full description
EZ-C's purpose is to determine the effectiveness of patient navigation services during treatment of hepatitis C compared to usual care among opioid substitution therapy (OST) and active injecting drug use (IDU) individuals.
To recruit OST and active IDU patients, customized queries will be created to identify pharmaceutical (methadone, buprenorphine, buprenorphine/naltrexone, naloxone) and diagnostic (ICD-10 codes for heroin poisoning, history of heroin abuse, long term current use of opiate analgesic, opioid dependence, and potentially others) indicators of OST or active injecting drug use. These codes will be implemented into the Grady HCV registry to flag and identify OST or possible active injecting drug use individuals that are HCV positive at Grady Health Systems.
Recruitment will consist of an initial letter describing the study and informing patients of their possible eligibility as well as informed consent documentation. This letter will be followed by up to three phone calls per patient from the patient navigator until a full sample of OST and active injecting drug users have been recruited. Once enrolled, patients will be randomly assigned into either the control or intervention group. Although there is no compensation for participating in the study, all patients that are recruited will receive treatment at no cost.
Once the study begins enrolling, the researchers will create spreadsheet reports of patients in the intervention group (those who are receiving patient navigation services) containing their HCV care information, such as antibody results, viral load test results and prescription refill information. Based on this spreadsheet, the researchers will develop a monthly task list for the patient navigator with patient by patient care cascade and treatment milestones that need to be accomplished per patient in the intervention group. The researchers will then deliver the spreadsheet and the task list to the Grady Liver Clinic Director who will use it to direct and supervise the activities of the patient navigator. The patient navigator will actively engage with those in the intervention group throughout the study and send reminders of their next steps in the treatment process/care cascade. The patient navigator will not engage with those in the control group as they will receive only usual care.
The intervention will last 12 months for each patient in both the case and control groups. After collecting data for the 80 patients at the end of the study, the researchers will analyze the data to determine the effectiveness of patient navigation services compared to those receiving usual care among IDU and OST individuals.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Patient is antibody positivity for HCV, defined as;
Patient is a member of one of two sub-population groups of interest, people on opioid substitution therapy (OST) or people who currently inject drugs, defined as;
Eligible for treatment. To be eligible for treatment, patients must
Exclusion criteria. Patients who meet criteria 1 and 2 will be excluded from the study if
Primary purpose
Interventional model
6 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites