The purpose of this study is to determine
A baseline assessment of all outcome measures will be performed. This will be repeated 4 weeks later. The intervention will be delivered (4 weeks) and a follow up assessment of all outcome measures will be performed one week later. A follow up of the Primary outcome measure, the PART-O participation questionnaire will be done 12 weeks later.
Participants will attend group therapy consisting of a variety of exercises designed specifically to target balance and mobility deficits and based on the concept that through Repetitive Functional Task Practice (RFTP), recovery of function can occur as the result of neural adaptation. Exercises will be both individualized (delivered in a circuit) and group activities. Supervision and guidance will be provided by a registered Physical Therapist and a Rehabilitation Assistant. During the intervention, the amount and type of RFTP, any adverse events, and any need for extra staff will be recorded on a daily basis. As well, a standardized individualized task will be performed with center of foot pressure recording on a daily basis.
Analysis: changes in outcome measures immediately after the non-intervention compared to the after the intervention period will be statistically determined to estimate efficacy of this treatment model. Descriptive measures of RFTP time/day, staffing levels/day and adverse events will be used to support feasibility and safety of this model.
Full description
See below for details about outcome measures and eligibility criteria.
Inclusion criteria
Moderate to Severe Acquired Brain Injury due to trauma, anoxia or infection, one to five years since onset
Re: Physical Function:
Sufficient Cognitive ability to provide informed consent.
English communication at a level to understand instruction and provide informed consent.
Impulse control and social skills to allow group participation with only occasional redirection from therapy staff
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
12 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites