This study seeks to establish the acceptability and evaluate the limited efficacy of Simple Reminiscence (SR), a home-delivered non-pharmacological intervention designed to relieve stress, improve affect, and prevent or quell disruptive or maladaptive behaviors in community-residing individuals diagnosed with early Alzheimer's disease (EAD). Unmanaged episodes of anxiety can be antecedents of maladaptive behaviors, including agitation, anger, and sometimes even violence.
SR is a dyadic strategy; both the person with EAD and the caregiver engaged the patient's memory to interrupt a current episode of anxiety.
Full description
Through the intervention, family caregivers are trained to collaborate with and guide patients to access positive memories as a way to manage or move past the anxiety that plagues individuals with EAD - often arising when confronted by common complex tasks they previously were able to perform.
During the project's first six months (phase 1), the investigators will develop a series of 4 video-vignettes illustrating dyads (including one member with EAD) managing a variety of anxiety provoking scenarios associated with EAD (e.g., trouble reconciling a checkbook) through the use of SR.
During the second phase of the project, a research assistant will administer SR at four home visits. The SR intervention has three components:
The attention control treatment, a Social Visit, is a 30-minute activity in which the person with EAD, the caregiver and the research assistant (RA) review and discuss the day's newspaper headlines. The RA will use communication techniques specifically designed to keep the conversation present focused.
Both members of the dyad will collect saliva to evaluate diurnal cortisol secretion.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
0 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites