The aim of this study was to determine whether there was an association between resilience and the performance of student nurse anaesthetists in simulated critical situations.
Full description
This trial will take place at the Grenoble Alpes University Hospital. Volunteer nurse anaesthetists students will perform a simulation scenario. This scenario generates a high level of stress and focuses on the management of anaphylactic shock in the operating room, which is a good teaching tool for the participants.
The simulation is performed in a dedicated simulation room configured as an operating theatre. In this environment, a high-fidelity manikin is intubated and ventilated on an anaesthesia ventilator. The manikin is perfused. The anaesthesia cart is replicated with the same equipment and drugs as the anaesthesia carts in the operating theatre. A person playing the role of a nurse anaesthetist will conduct transmissions before leaving the room replaced by the participant. One person will play the role of the surgeon in the room. The simulation will take place as follows:
Briefing :
Welcome and explanation of the session. Collection of age, gender, number of years in anaesthesia, number of years as a nurse.
The simulation room, the mannequin and the anaesthesia trolley are presented by a simulation trainer before starting the scenario.
First evaluation of the acute stress perceived by the VAS stress(visual analogue stress scale) which triggers the beginning of the scenario.
The patient is introduced by the nurse anaesthetist present in the room and explanations are given on how to reach the anaesthetist by phone. Once the transmissions are completed, the preoperative checklist is carried out by the surgeon with the nurse anaesthetist and the student nurse anaesthetist who takes over. Once the checklist is completed the simulation timer is started and the nurse anaesthetist leaves the room leaving the patient alone on the anaesthesia side.
On arrival at the room:
→ Vitals on arrival: BP (blood pressure)= 100/50, HR(heart rate) = 60, Spo2 = 99%, EtC02 (end tidal C02) = 36 mmHg
T0: Surgical incision
→ Vitals at incision: BP = 120/70, HR = 70, SpO2 = 99%, EtCo2 = 39 mmHg
T1 = 3 min: BP = 90/55, HR = 95, SpO2 = 98%, EtCo2 = 34 mmHg
T2 = 6 min: BP = 78/45, HR = 110, SpO2 = 97%, EtCo2 = 30 mmHg, if possible: vary the SpO2 signal if possible
T3 = 9 min: BP = 65/32, HR = 130, SpO2 = no signal, EtCO2 = 28 mmHg
T4 = 12 min: BP = 56/28, HR = 150, SpO2 = no signal, EtCO2 = 25 mmHg
If no communication with the surgical team before T3, the facilitating surgeon mentions a skin rash to guide management.
The study stops at 12 minutes when the anaesthetist enters the operating room.
Debriefing: The debriefing is conducted by a simulation trainer accordance with the guidelines of the French Society of Health Simulation.
The main objective of this study is to investigate an association between the level of resilience of student nurse anaesthetists and their performance (Performance score N°1) under stress.
The secondary objectives of this study are to investigate the correlation between :
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Central trial contact
Julien Picard; Yoann Zafiriou
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites