Status and phase
There are no available medical treatment options for patients with non-functioning pituitary adenomas (NFPA) or with resistant prolactinomas to dopamine agonists (DA) who are not cured by surgery. The study of the receptors by quantitative messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression levels and immunohistochemistry analysis might end with a better understanding of these tumors. Besides that, it will be assessed the in vitro and in vivo responses to pasireotide (for NFPA and prolactinomas) and cabergoline (for NFPA). These responses will be compared with the receptor expressions which may be a tool as a predicting element of the response to these compounds.
Full description
The goals of this study are: to verify whether cabergoline and pasireotide are effective in NFPA to control tumor re-growth as adjuvant therapy after neurosurgery and whether pasireotide is capable of normalizing the prolactin levels in patients with prolactinomas resistant to cabergoline; to assess the mRNA levels of dopamine receptor type 2 (DR2) and SSTR1-5 and their protein expression; to evaluate the in vitro hormonal response to cabergoline, octreotide and pasireotide; and to determine whether the mRNA DR2/SSTR1-5 and/or protein expression and/or in vitro hormonal response to cabergoline, octreotide and pasireotide correlates with the in vivo response to the former and to the last one. With this data the investigators intend to establish if the mRNA analysis and/or protein expression in NFPA and resistant prolactinomas might be predictive or foretelling factors concerning drug treatment in patients with this kind of pituitary tumors and also evaluate if there is any response in vitro or in vivo to the treatment with pasireotide in NFPA and resistant prolactinomas and with cabergoline in NFPA.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
21 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites