The aim of this study will be to analyze the relationship between the presence of second class restorations (interproximal fillings) or prostheses (crowns, bridges) on molar teeth and the presence of bone resorption between the roots of the latter. Patients with this type of restorations will be identified and a non-interventional clinical and radiographic analysis will be conducted.
Full description
Patients who have a molar tooth reconstructed with a second class filling according to Black, or a with crown or that is abutment of a prosthetic bridge will be included in the study provided they have at least one other intact molar.
The molars included in the study do not have to be wisdom teeth. In these patients, in addition to the presence of furcations (bone resorption in the space between the roots), the probing depth (PD), the loss of clinical attachment (CAL), bleeding on probing ( BOP), mobility, width of the keratinized tissue, the length of the root trunk (measured radiographically), the presence or absence of endodontic treatments (evaluated on the radiography), the anatomy of the roots (widely separated, fused, separated but fused) and the presence of enamel projections will be recorded.
Data will be analyzed with utilizing Pearson chi-square and the pair-wise t test.
The analysis of these data will provide us with evidence on the influence that interproximal restorations and fixed prostheses, in the presence of other co-factors, have on the presence of furcations in molars.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
200 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites