Status and phase
The study is focussed on two main questions:
This study therefore was arranged to test the following hypotheses:
As explorative investigations biomarkers for exposures and sensitivity for practical usage are tested.
Full description
The study is focussed on two main questions:
c. The importance of dampness of the building and home dust as a factor of the subjects= responses.
d. Can measures used in KLINIR predict the subjects' responses to the dust?
As explorative investigations biomarkers for exposures and sensitivity are tested for practical use.
These investigations are made during experimental exposures of subjects to dust from dry and water damaged buildings. The responses of healthy KLINIR-sensitive subjects are predicted using personal sensitivity measures.
The design is a 3x3 Latin square design (cross-over design). The subjects will be their own controls and comparisons to placebo (clean air) were made. The study was double blinded and the subjects were only informed about details on design and exposures after the experiment and only if they asked.
This design eliminated effects of any learning or training during the investigations, and also the effects of season and weekday was eliminated. The subjects were exposed with 3-4 weeks interval to eliminate carry-over of effects from one exposure session to the next.
The design was replicated three times on three different groups of subjects each including 9 subjects. Each group of nine were divided into three groups of three subjects.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites