The objective of this study is to determine if silicone adhesive multilayer foam dressings applied to the sacrum, heels and greater trochanter in addition to standard prevention reduce pressure ulcer incidence category II, III, IV, Unstageable and Deep Tissue Injury (DTI) compared to standard pressure ulcer prevention alone, in at risk hospitalised patients. In particular, this trial extends previous trial results obtained in ICU setting. Therefore, only a maximum of 25% of patients will be recruited from ICU settings.
The hypothesis is: 'The use of silicone adhesive multilayer foam dressings as adjuvant prophylactic therapy for pressure ulcer prevention is more effective in reducing pressure ulcer category II, III, IV, Unstageable, and Deep Tissue Injury (DTI) incidence rate on sacrum, heels and greater trochanter, compared to standard pressure ulcer prevention alone.' The null hypothesis is: 'The use of silicone adhesive multilayer foam dressings as adjuvant prophylactic therapy for pressure ulcer prevention is not more effective in reducing pressure ulcer category II, III, IV, Unstageable, and Deep Tissue Injury (DTI) incidence rate on sacrum, heels and greater trochanter, compared to standard pressure ulcer prevention alone.
Full description
A multicentre randomised controlled open label parallel group medical device trial in approximately 8 hospitals in Belgium.
Patients will be randomly allocated to three study arms based on a 1:1:1 allocation:
Study arm 1 (on top of standard of care):
Study arm 2 (on top of standard of care):
Study arm 3 (standard of care):
Skin sites (restricted to sacrum, heel right/left, greater trochanter right/left) of patients at risk for pressure ulcer category II, III, IV, Unstageable, and Deep Tissue Injury (DTI) development will be assessed daily for a maximum period of 14 days.
Inclusion criteria
At risk for pressure ulcer development based on Braden risk assessment (Braden score ≤17).
Admitted to hospital within the previous 48 hours. Note: Not more than 25% of patients per site should be recruited at ICU wards.
Skin at sacrum is assessable and there is no clinically relevant incontinence- associated dermatitis (IAD*) or another skin condition that would be a contra-indication for the application of the devices under study, and there is no pressure ulcer category II or worse present.
*clinically relevant IAD is defined as any of the 4 categories described in the publication
For at least 3 of the following 4 skin sites (heel left, heel right, greater trochanter left, greater trochanter right) one of the following two conditions should apply:
Written informed consent by the patient or his/her legal representative.
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
1,634 participants in 3 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites