The present study will investigate a set of biomedical sensors with a wireless data communication system and evaluate the sensors' recording quality. The sensors and wearable wireless system have been approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for recording Electrocardiography (ECG), Trans Thoracic Impedance (TTI), Heart Sounds and Acitigraphy. The sensors and wireless system will be used along with conventional sensor systems (as intended to be used).
Full description
Procedures involving people:
The sensors- electrodes, conductor channels and semi-conductor channels- are in direct contact (with the body) or indirect contact through a transient layer of polyimide or silicon rubber. The amplifiers will boost the microvolt signals into the range where they can be accurately digitized using analog to digital converter. Subsequently, a wireless data communication system will transmit and receive the digitized data and a personal computer (or other relevant device) will store and display the recorded data. The sensors used for measurement for bioimpedance will pass a modulated current of 1-5 mA (rms) at 30kHz to 100kHz through the skin into subject body. This system will be powered by a 3.7 V battery source. The sensor system(s) will draw power through this system. The sensor systems that will be used for this study are:
The sensors will be fabricated on polyimide (KAPTON®) and polyester films, and textile fabric and will require to be mounted on subject's skin. This will be accomplished by using standard surgical waterproof tape or braces made form materials like polyester, nylon, silicone rubber sheetand textile fabric. At all times this polyimide or polyester material will be the only component in contact with test subject's skin. The sensor recordings will be taken from the test subjects in different physical states: supine position, sitting and relaxed, standing up and/or walking briskly, engaging in moderately rigorous exercise (not cardiovascular exercise).
1 Device specific protocols: 1.1 ECG measurements with Dry Electrodes:
Figure 1: Electrode placement map for real time ECG signal acquisition. 1.2 Skin contact impedance measurement with Dry Electrodes:
The procedure will be carried out by a trained operator. The steps are as follows:
At regular intervals, the operator will ask the subject for any tingly feeling on subject's arm. This will serve as a precaution. However, the impedance meter (in use) is a dedicated device for measuring skin-electrode contact impedance.
1.3 Respiration Sensor: The respiration sensor has been fabricated with the device electronics on flexible substrates (films): polyimide (KAPTON ®), silicone rubber, poly ethylene napthalate. These sensors will be mounted on either elastic polyester strap or inelastic nylon strap. The only materials in direct contact with the skin will be the nylon/polyester band and silicone or KAPTON. The strap will have to be worn around the midriff where the effective increase and decrease in diameter is maximal during inhalation and exhalation respectively. All wires leading to the sensor will be commercially available insulated copper/nickel cables.
1.3.1 Procedure involving test subject:
The elastic/nylon strap will be worn by the subject around the lower abdomen as indicated in figure 2.
Figure 2: Strategy for mounting the respiration sensor for real time respiration effort signal acquisition
The subject will be requested to perform the following patterns of breathing:
Short shallow breathes. 2. Deep breathes. 3. Hold breath after deep inhalation. 4. Hold breath after deep exhalation. 5. Normal breathes after different intervals ranging from 1 second to 10 seconds.
The above tests involving different patterns of breathing are intended to be an exhaustive in terms of all practically observed patterns of breathing. Also, these conditions comprehensively cover the physical states (supine, sitting, standing, walking, moderate exercise) described in the initial part of section 2. The signal acquisition time period will be subjective to the calibration experiment or the hypothesis being tested.
For the standardization of this sensor, commercially available respiration sensor will also be mounted simultaneously and measurements will be compared.
1.4 Body Temperature Sensor: This sensor will be used to measure the body temperature at the skin. Similar to the respiration sensor, the device circuitry will be on flexible substrate. The only material in contact with the skin of the test subject will be KAPTON®. The sensor will be packaged to electrically insulate it from subject's body. All wires leading to the sensor will be commercially available insulated copper/nickel cables.
1.4.1 Procedure involving test subject:
The sensor will be placed on the side of the test subject below the underarm (for Axial Temperature), on the chest above the sternum, back or face as shown in figure 3.
The subject will, also, be asked to wear a commercially available dry bulb temperature sensor on the skin in the regions highlighted in figure 3.
Figure 3: Strategy for mounting the temperature sensor for real time signal acquisition.
The readings will be taken in indoor and outdoor settings.
Data acquisition will be done while the subject is in the physical states (supine, sitting, standing, walking, moderate exercise) mentioned in section 2.
1.5 Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate Sensor: This sensor will be used for measurement of arterial blood pressure and pulse rate, heart sound and blood oxygen level in a non-invasive fashion. The device circuitry comprises of MEMS microphone, piezoelectric or optoelectronic transducer(s) mounted on a polyimide (KAPTON ®) or polyester film. Optoelectronic components have energy dissipation of less than 0.5 Watt. MEMS microphone is an off the shelf electronic component operating on 1.8 to 3.3 V and drawing 180 to 250 µA. This film will be in contact with test subject's skin. The sensor will be mounted on subject's left forearm, sternum or back, as shown in figure 4. The sensor will be electrically insulated from subject's body. All wires leading to the sensor will be commercially available insulated copper/nickel cables.
1.5.1 Procedure involving test subject:
Prior to commencing the test, standard pulse rate and blood pressure and blood oxygen level readings will be taken with the help of commercial pulse oxymeter and blood pressure cuff.
The blood pressure, heart sound and pulse rate sensors will be mounted on left forearm, sternum or back of the subject (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Strategy for mounting blood pressure and pulse rate sensor system
Pulse, blood oxygen level, heart sound and blood pressure data will be recorded while the subject is in the physical states (supine, sitting, standing, walking, moderate exercise).
During the test, the subject will be asked to wear the commercial Pulse oxymeter for real time comparison pulse rate and blood oxygen level values.
1.6 Bioimpedance measurement with Dry Electrodes
1.7 Heart Sound measurement with Heart sound sensor
Figure 5 1.8 EEG, EOG and EMG measurement with Dry Electrodes
Figure 6 1.9 Acceleration and rotation detection sensor for measurement of activity (actigraphy) of the subjects
Figure 7
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
200 participants in 1 patient group
Central trial contact
Vijay Varadan, PhD; Pratyush Rai, PhD
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites