Aims-objectives: This study assessed the effect of the Solution Focused Approach (SFA) interview technique on overweight/obese adolescents' nutrition-exercise attitudes and behaviors.
Background: Obesity is a serious health problem for all age groups, particularly adolescents; therefore, it is important for adolescents to develop healthy nutrition habits, acquire exercise behaviors. Unless healthy nutrition-exercise behaviors are acquired, obesity can develop in adolescence, continue in adulthood. Focusing on solutions can be effective for overweight/obese adolescents to develop healthy nutrition-exercise behaviors.
Design: A pretest-posttest randomized-controlled trial design was used.
Methods: The study included 32 overweight/obese adolescents (16 for intervention group, 16 for control group) aged12-13 years who attended a health center, met the inclusion criteria. The SFA interview technique was applied to the intervention group. Eight solution-focused interviews were conducted with each adolescent at two-week intervals (interview length 30 to 45minutes). For each group, anthropometric, metabolic measurement follow-ups were conducted in the first and sixth months. The data were evaluated using independent samples t-test, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon test respectively for normally, non-normally distributed variables. The categorical variables were compared using chi-square test. The value p<0.05 was accepted to be statistically significant.
Full description
Solution Focused Approach (SFA) interview technique is an approach that can be used by nurses who have important roles in the protection, maintenance and promotion of health in healthcare services. Because the SFA interview technique can be integrated into all dimensions of health, it enables children and adolescents to be aware of their own strengths and skills and to improve their skills. This raised awareness encourages individuals to start and maintain change. The earlier the awareness of individuals is raised, the higher the achievement level of the approach will increase. Further studies can be conducted in which the duration of the SFA interview technique follow-ups is longer. Moreover, it can be suggested that studies be conducted to analyze the cost-effectiveness of this approach.
All health professionals in general and, specifically nurses, should be educated about the SFA interview technique strategies. Nurses who carry out the SFA interviews conducted using the SFA interview technique should enable individuals to realize their own strengths. The number of interviews can be determined in accordance with the topic and the data obtained from individuals. If the interviews are carried out with school children-adolescents, attention should be paid to conduct interviews with their families. Enabling individuals to reach a solution using the SFA interview technique strategies is the major point of interviews. This result may not appear immediately. Interviews should be continued with patience to find what works in resistant individuals.
After these interviews are completed, interviews should be continued with the individuals periodically. To enable individuals to maintain their nutrition and exercise behaviors, interviews should be carried out with adolescents and their families at least twice in a month after the SFA interviews. Nurses who conduct SFA interviews can carry out individual interviews or group interviews in Endocrinology Polyclinics, Family Health Centers, or at schools as a school nurse.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
2 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites