The purpose of this evaluation is to record the management and outcome of adults with S.aureus bacteraemia (SAB) across multiple European, Asian and North American sites and to identify key quality indicators associated with improved outcome.
Full description
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is one of the most common causes of bloodstream infections. Associated mortality has been reported to vary widely (4%-40%) although no obvious explanation for such variation has been identified.
Despite the existence of clinical guidelines, there is considerable variation in the management of S.aureus bacteraemia (SAB) between centres. Part of the variation in clinical management is due to the limited evidence base defining optimal therapy. Fewer than 1500 patients have been recruited to randomised controlled trials in the past 40 years; practice is therefore based largely on experience and observational studies.
The purpose of this evaluation is to record the management and outcome of adults with SAB across multiple European, Asian and North American sites. We aim to establish a broader knowledge base, identify key quality indicators associated with improved outcomes, and to provide comparator data to ensure that patients enrolled in randomized controlled trials are representative of bacteraemic S. aureus patients as a whole. All participating centres are experienced in the management of S. aureus bacteraemia and in conducting evaluations of current management practice and outcomes from S. aureus bacteraemia. Data is checked for plausibility by a centralized data quality control group.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Central trial contact
Achim J Kaasch, MD; Christian M Bernasch
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites