Almost every young person has experienced difficult situations, crises and stress in his or her life. It is difficult to cope with such situations and it is not uncommon for mental health to be affected. At the same time, those affected often do not get any help. There are too few offers of help. That is why the investigators have developed the START NOW training and the corresponding WebAPP. With this training, young people can train their resilience, i.e. their psychological resistance. Resilient people cope better with difficult situations and remain psychologically healthy for longer. Because the START NOW training is now also available as a WebAPP, users can apply it practically, playfully and at any time. Furthermore, the WebAPP can be used as a prevention and treatment option in a resource-saving and cost-efficient way in institutions. The aim is to find out in a randomized study design with two treatment conditions and a waiting group whether START NOW is effective as a newly developed WebAPP. Specifically, the investigators will investigate whether a digital web-based self-help training can already achieve positive effects or whether a format in which accompanying guidance by a coach and social learning is possible (support by a trainer who guides young people during the training) is better for achieving sustainable changes.The project is funded by the Federal Office of Justice as part of a pilot project.
Full description
Psychological Flexibility (PF) is associated with improved mental health across a multitude of contexts and populations, while psychological inflexibility is associated with mental health problems, in particular depression and anxiety. Taking into consideration that prevalence rates of clinically significant anxiety and depression in large youth cohorts are high and even increased especially due to Covid-19, interventions aiming to enhance psychological flexibility are of particular importance. START NOW represents one approach that is well equipped to promote PF. It is an evidence-based, integrative skills training program, which offers a broad scope of applicability to different populations and contexts by promoting general psychological health and resilience.
Web-based health approaches are well established across settings, populations and a range of mental health outcomes and offer benefits such as cost-effectiveness, high accessibility and flexibility, direct and convenient use of resources, anonymity, decreased stigmatization and a feasible way to ensure continuity of care in transitional phases. Our project aims to develop and evaluate a web-based translation of the existing START NOW skills training that promotes PF in institutionalized youth.
The investigatorss will investigate the efficacy of web-based START NOW on PF in a randomized controlled trial comparing the following conditions: 1) Web-based group training guided by a trained START NOW facilitator (either face-to-face or through videoconferencing) 2) Web-based self-help without guidance 3) Treatment as usual (TAU)
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
150 participants in 3 patient groups
Central trial contact
Donja Brunner, Dr.; Christina Stadler, Prof. Dr.
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites