Status and phase
Study type
Funder types
This clinical study was designed to assess the efficacy and safety of DFV890 for the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) infected patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia and impaired respiratory function.
Full description
This was a Phase II, randomized, controlled, open label multi-center study to assess the efficacy and safety of DFV890 for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and impaired respiratory function.
The study consisted of four distinct study periods:
Screening / Baseline visit (Day -1 to 1): lasted up to a maximum of 24 hours and comprised a screening / baseline assessment. This visit was used to confirm that the study inclusion and exclusion criteria were met and served as baseline assessment prior to randomization.
Treatment period (Day 1-15): Participants were randomized as soon as possible, but within a maximum of 24 hours after screening in a 1:1 ratio receiving either DFV890 in addition to standard of care (SoC) or SoC alone. Participants in the investigational treatment arm received DFV890 administered for a total of 14 days in addition to SoC. Participants in the control arm received SoC alone. Study assessments were conducted every 2 days for hospitalized participants.
The End of Treatment (EOT) visit took place on Day 15. If participants were discharged from the hospital prior to Day 15, assessments on the day of discharge were performed according to the schedule listed under Day 15; participants continued to take the investigational treatment at home to complete the 14-day treatment period and the participants returned to the site for the Day 15/EOT assessment. If a hospital visit was not possible at Day 15, then home nursing services were used to support the last visit.
Follow-up (Day 16-29): After completion of the treatment period, participants were observed until Day 29 or discharged from hospital, whichever was sooner. Study assessments were conducted every 2 days for hospitalized participants. If participants were discharged from hospital prior to Day 29, a study visit conducted by telephone was performed on Day 29.
30-day safety follow-up assessment (Day 45): A follow-up visit for safety was conducted by telephone.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
For COVID-19 infection, ongoing corticosteroid treatment is permitted at doses as per local SoC.For non-COVID-19 disorders, ongoing corticosteroid treatment is permitted at doses up to and including prednisolone 10 mg daily or equivalent.
In patients in the Netherlands only, the use of hydroxychloroquine and/or chloroquine in the past 2 weeks are exclusionary.
Primary purpose
Interventional model
143 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites