Status and phase
This will be a double blind comparative study, performed in pediatric subjects (Age 12-17) traveling to developing regions with a known high incidence of traveler's diarrhea. The subjects will be suffering from acute diarrhea for at least 12 hours, without symptoms of systemic infection.
Full description
Approximately 142 subjects are expected to be enrolled in the study, 1:1 in the Rifamycin SV MultiMatrix (MMX) plus Oral RehydrationTherapy (ORT) group and in the placebo tablets plus ORT group respectively. The day of randomization (Visit 1, Day 1), the subjects will start the treatment receiving ORT plus Rifamycin SV MMX 400 mg (as two tablets of 200 mg each) twice daily (morning and evening) or ORT plus placebo tablets (as two tablets) twice daily (morning and evening). The subjects will begin the treatment within 72 hours of onset of diarrhea. Treatment duration will last 72 hours. The total number of tablets for the entire treatment course will be 12 (4 × 200 mg tablets/day for 3 days). The administration of the ORT will follow the specification reported in the product label. The tablets will be orally administered during the day. No tablet administration will be done during the night.
After enrollment, subjects/their parents/or guardians will complete Diary Cards (PDC) in which will be daily recorded date, time of first tablets intake, time and consistency of each stool, presence of blood in stools, abdominal pain/cramps, flatulence, tenesmus, urgency, nausea, vomiting, fever, adverse events (AEs), and concomitant medications.
During the study, the subjects will be assessed for safety and efficacy at Visit 2 (Day 2) and Visit 3 (Day 4/5) as final Study Visit.
Stool samples for microbiological assessment will be collected at Visits 1 and 3. Stool will be examined and cultured at local labs for main enteropathogens and for the presence of protozoa, ova and yeasts.
Stool samples will be required in a subset population of the Rifamycin SV MMX group, at the Follow-up visit to determine rifamycin concentration in the feces.
Blood and urine sampling for routine safety analyses will be collected at Visit 1 and at Visit 3.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
142 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group
Central trial contact
Gilead Raday, M.Sc.
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites