

Tai Chi for Osteopenic Women


Harvard University Faculty of Medicine

Status and phase

Phase 2




Other: Tai Chi
Other: Standard Care

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


This study will assess the effectiveness of Tai Chi to affect the rate of bone loss in post-menopausal women who have been diagnosed with the initial stages of bone thinning.

Full description

Osteopenia is a serious and growing public health concern for women. Osteopenic women are at greater risk for fractures than women with normal bone mineral densities (BMD). Low BMD-related fractures are associated with significant long-term impairment, high morbidity rates and high medical costs. Optimal preventive and sustainable interventions for osteopenic women are not yet well-defined.

Tai Chi, a mind-body exercise that is growing in popularity in the U.S., shows may be an effective, safe and practical intervention for women with low bone density. Preliminary studies suggest Tai Chi can reduce rates of BMD decline in post-menopausal women. While suggestive, these studies have numerous design limitations.

We propose a pilot randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy and feasibility of Tai Chi as an adjunct to standard care for post-menopausal osteopenic women. Eight-six osteopenic women ages 45-70 will be recruited from a large multi-specialty group practice. Our primary aim is to assess the feasibility for recruiting and retaining osteopenic women into a randomized controlled trial of 9 months of Tai Chi. Our secondary aim is to collect preliminary data on the efficacy of Tai Chi in reducing rates of bone loss in osteopenic women using sensitive markers of bone turnover and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. The results of this study will inform the design of a future trial evaluating the benefits and safety for Tai Chi for osteopenic women, as well as the physiological and biomechanical mechanisms through which Tai Chi may impact BMD and fracture risks associated with osteopenia.


86 patients




45 to 70 years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • Women ages 45-70 years
  • BMD T-scores of the hip (femoral neck or trochanter) and/or spine between -1.0 and -2.5
  • Post-menopausal w/out menses for ≥ 12 months
  • Sedentary, i.e. do not regularly participate in physical exercise on average 1 or more times per week

Exclusion criteria

  • Osteoporotic (T-score < -2.5) or a fracture in the past 2 years not caused by motor vehicle accident
  • Prior or current use of use of medication that increase risks of fracture (e.g. steroids, anti-convulsants, anticoagulants, lithium)
  • Prior or current use of medications that modify bone metabolism (e.g. bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modulators such as Raloxifene)
  • Use of calcium supplements above levels suggested within the recommendations of standard care (i.e., above 1200-1500 mg)
  • Current or prior year use of estrogen or calcitonin
  • Malignancies other than skin cancer
  • Diagnosis of anorexia along with a BMI of < 17.5
  • Conditions that cause secondary osteoporosis (e.g. Cushing's syndrome, Marfan's syndrome)
  • Tobacco use in past year
  • Physical or mental disabilities that will preclude informed consent or active study participation
  • Geographic or scheduling limitations that would preclude required participation in weekly Tai Chi classes and study procedures
  • Current regular practice of Tai Chi

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


Single Blind

86 participants in 2 patient groups

Tai Chi plus Standard Care
Other group
Other: Tai Chi
Standard Care
Other group
Other: Standard Care

Trial contacts and locations



Data sourced from

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