The Parenting Center (TPC) offers the Empowering Families program, which integrates a relationship education curriculum (Family Wellness) into a comprehensive set of services that includes case management, employment services, and financial coaching. The evaluation will test the effectiveness of offering relationship skills education services with a robust economic security component to low-income couples raising children.
Full description
The evaluation of Empowering Families will test the effectiveness of offering relationship skills education services with a robust economic security component to low-income couples raising children. The program is built on Family Wellness, a relationship education curriculum that has not yet been rigorously studied. The Parenting Center (TPC) has integrated Family Wellness into a comprehensive set of services that includes case management, employment services, and financial coaching. The evaluation will test the effect of this full package of services on couples' relationship and employment outcomes. The evaluation will also examine effects on outcomes related to child well-being, such as co-parenting and father involvement.
The Empowering Families evaluation will be conducted with low-income couples raising children. To be eligible for program services, both members of the couple must: (1) be age 18 or older, (2) report that they are in a committed relationship with their partner; (3) speak a language in which programming is being offered; (4) be interested in participating in a program that offers both relationship skills and economic stability services; (5) be available to participate in programming for the next six months; (6) pass a domestic violence screen; and (7) not have an open case with child protective services. In addition, at least one member of the couple must have a biological or adopted child who is under age 18 and lives with them at least half time. The Parenting Center will aim to recruit couples who are economically disadvantaged and likely to want both relationship skills and employment services.
The evaluation plan for the Empowering Families program calls for the enrollment and random assignment of 1,000 couples over the course of two years. This target requires The Parenting Center to recruit approximately 42 couples for the study each month. Half of these couples will be randomly assigned to the Empowering Families program; the other half will be assigned to a control group that is not eligible for program services.To document the outcomes of study participants, survey data will be collected at two time points: (1) a baseline survey administered at study enrollment and (2) a follow-up survey conducted about a year later. The investigators will also conduct a process study to document how Empowering Families was implemented.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria: (Necessary for eligibility)
Exclusion Criteria:
Primary purpose
Interventional model
1,758 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites