This study was conducted to evaluate the oxygen therapy methods used in pediatric services and to specify the roles and responsibilities of nurses in the application of HFNC, which is one of these methods. Although the decision to implement this treatment method is under the responsibility of the physician in Turkey, the use of the device, observing the effectiveness of the treatment, monitoring and recording the changes in the vital signs of the children are under the responsibility of the nurses shows the importance of the nursing perspective on HFNC.
Full description
High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy (HFNC) which meets the patient's ventilation need is a non-invasive ventilation system in which warmed and humidified oxygen is administered to the patient at varying flows with the help of a nasal cannula.This study will be conducted as a randomized controlled study with the participation of 70 nurses working in the pediatric clinics of a public hospital between December 2021 and May 2022, as an experimental group (n=35) and a control group (n=35). In the study, two-stage sampling method will be used to determine the nurses who will take place in the experimental and control groups. After the nurses are stratified according to their professional years, assignment to the experimental and control groups will be made by simple random sampling method. The experimental group will be given a pre-test before the training and a post-test one month after the training. In order to avoid interaction between the two groups, the data of the nurses in the control group will be collected first. The knowledge level of the nurses in the experimental and control groups will be evaluated with the HFNC Information Form.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
70 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Aslı Alaca
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites