This study aimed to determine the effects of laughter yoga on the perceived stress, burnout and life satisfaction of nurses working actively during the pandemic period. A total of 120 nurses, determined by power analysis, were included in the randomized controlled study. The study included 2 groups. (A group of nurses who have active contact with patients diagnosed with or at risk of covid-19, group B: nurses who have active contact with patients diagnosed with or at risk of covid-19 and participate in laughter yoga practice. Laughter yoga; immune system antibodies and endorphin hormone. It has been proven by experimental studies that there is a connection between the two, that it has a healing effect, that it accelerates the circulatory system as an adverse effect to stress, and that it has a vasodilation effect in the vessels.
Full description
The study data were collected by the researchers using online systems with the snowball method due to the pandemic. The inclusion criteria of the study (not having undergone abdominal surgery in the last three months, not having uncontrolled hypertension, not having glaucoma, hernia, epilepsy, not having received a psychiatric diagnosis-treatment, not having received a diagnosis-treatment for sleep problems, having done laughter yoga before) The study consisted of 100 nurses who agreed to participate in the study. Introductory features form consisting of 13 questions, Maslach Burnout Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale, Perceived Stress Scale and life satisfaction scale were used to collect data. Research data were collected in 3 months. During the study, 9 people from the experimental group (8 people did not attend the sessions regularly, 1 person left voluntarily), 10 people from the control group (he left voluntarily) quit the study. Finally, the research was completed with 101 nurses, 51 of whom were in the experimental group and 50 in the control group.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
101 participants in 5 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites