

The Efficiency of Surgery and Radiotherapy After SHR-1316 (Adebrelimab) and Platinum-containing Doublet Induction Therapy for Limited-stage Small Cell Lung Cancer


Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Shanghai, China

Status and phase

Not yet enrolling
Phase 3


Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer


Combination Product: chemotherapy and SHR-1316(Adebrelimab) comnined with surgery or radiotherapy

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


To compare the efficiency between surgery and radiotherapy after SHR-1316 (Adebrelimab)and platinum-containing doublet induction therapy for limited-stage small cell lung cancer

Full description

1.1 Main purpose To compare the efficiency between surgery and radiotherapy after therapy with SHR-1316 and chemotherapy for limited-stage small cell lung cancer according to progression-free survival (PFS) 1.2 Secondary Purpose The incidence of adverse events (AEs) during treatment was assessed to identify the safety of SHR-1316 and chemotherapy combined with surgery or radiotherapy according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI-CTCAE) v5.0.

To evaluate the pathological response rate (MPR and PCR) of the surgical population after neoadjuvant therapy with SHR-1316 and chemotherapy for operable LD-SCLC according to the evaluation criteria of pathological response after neoadjuvant therapy recommended by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC); To evaluate the overall survival (OS) of patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer after therapy with SHR-1316 and chemotherapy combined with surgery or radiotherapy To evaluate the recurrence-free survival (RFS) in patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer who received neoadjuvant SHR-1316 and chemotherapy combined with surgery; To evaluate the duration of response (DOR) in patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer after SHR-1316 and chemotherapy combined with surgery or radiotherapy according to RECIST v1.1 To identify the impact on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL), mood, symptoms, sleep, etc. of patients undergoing surgery and radiotherapy after therapy with SHR-1316 and chemotherapy according to the Pulmonary Hospital Psychological Assessment Scale; 1.3 Exploratory Purpose To explore potential predictive biomarkers in archived and/or fresh tumor tissue and/or blood (or blood derivatives), including but not limited to programmed cell death protein ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression as determined by immunohistochemistry (IHC), gene expression profile (GEP), tumor mutational burden (TMB), tumor-infiltrating immune cell changes, etc., to evaluate the association of these markers with the study of treatment response or resistance mechanisms.


348 estimated patients




18 to 70 years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • after signing informed consent;
  • Aged 18-70;
  • Histologically or cytologically confirmed SCLC, imaging examination and other confirmed limited-stage small cell lung cancer, and without previous treatment;
  • For clinical stage IIB-III, all patients should have clear lymph node pathology by EBUS to exclud occult lymph node metastasis.
  • Two thoracic surgeons assessed thar it would be able to achieve radical surgery or R0 resection after 4 cycles of treatment. Surgical approaches include lobectomy, sleeve resection and pneumonectomy
  • ECOG performance status score 0-1 points;
  • With a life expectancy of at least 12 weeks;
  • At least one measurable tumor
  • With normal Other major organs (liver, kidney, blood system, etc.) function:

Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≥1.5×109/L, platelets ≥100×109/L, hemoglobin ≥90 g/L. Note: Patients should not receive blood transfusion or growth factor support within ≤ 14 days before blood collection during the screening period;

  • International normalized ratio (INR) or prothrombin time (PT) ≤ 1.5 × upper limit of normal (ULN); Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) ≤ 1.5×ULN; Serum total bilirubin ≤ 1.5×ULN (total bilirubin in patients with Gilbert syndrome must be <3×ULN); Aspartate and alanine aminotransferase (AST and ALT) ≤2.5×ULN, or AST and ALT ≤5×ULN in patients with liver metastases
  • Female patients of childbearing potential must voluntarily use highly effective contraception during the study period until ≥ 120 days after the last dose of chemotherapy or SHR-1316, whichever is later, and have ≤ 7 days of urine or Serum pregnancy test results are negative;
  • Unsterilized male patients must voluntarily use highly effective contraception during the study period until ≥120 days after the last dose of chemotherapy or SHR-1316, whichever is later.

Exclusion criteria

  • Received any systemic anticancer therapy, including surgery, local radiotherapy, cytotoxic drug therapy, targeted drug therapy, and experimental therapy;
  • Patients with other malignancies within five years prior to the start of the trial;
  • Combined with unstable systemic diseases, such as uncontrolled hypertension, severe arrhythmia, etc;
  • With active, known or suspected autoimmune disease, or autoimmune paraneoplastic syndrome requiring systemic therapy;
  • Allergy to the test drug;
  • Have or currently have interstitial lung disease;
  • Coexisting with HIV infection or active hepatitis;
  • Patients who have undergone other major surgery or severe trauma within 2 months before the start of the trial;
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • Those who suffer from neurological diseases or mental illnesses who cannot cooperate;
  • Other reasons that investigators deem inappropriate for enrollment.

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


None (Open label)

348 participants in 2 patient groups

surgery group
Experimental group
Combination Product: chemotherapy and SHR-1316(Adebrelimab) comnined with surgery or radiotherapy
radiotherapy group
Active Comparator group
Combination Product: chemotherapy and SHR-1316(Adebrelimab) comnined with surgery or radiotherapy

Trial contacts and locations



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