Prospective multi centre cohort study examining the clinical presentation, diagnostic tests, and management of adult Emergency Department (ED) patients presenting with Transient Loss of Consciousness (TLOC) either undifferentiated or thought to be of syncopal origin.
Full description
Syncope is a common ED problem. The three underlying causes are reflex (simple faint), orthostatic hypotension (blood pressure fall on standing) and cardiac disease (structural heart disease or cardiac dysrhythmia). Diagnosis is difficult and is not apparent in ~50% of patients after assessment. For the first time, European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines incorporating ED management of patients presenting with TLOC, either undifferentiated or thought to be of syncopal origin, have been produced.
However, very little is currently known about the use of diagnostic algorithms and management of this patient group in EDs across Europe. As a result, the application of guidelines and the management of TLOC by European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) members in different countries and hospitals, cannot yet be recommended for use in settings other than those where they have been successfully validated.
This study aims to describe the prevalence, clinical presentation, current assessment, management strategies and ESC risk categories of patients presenting with TLOC (undifferentiated or thought to be of syncopal origin) to the ED, and will provide data to help identify the gaps in our knowledge and practice, and areas where further research and development work is required to fully implement European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines within European EDs.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites