Adult diabetic patients aged above 20 attending the diabetic clinic of National Taiwan University Hospital are invited to attend a face to face screening and interview. After obtaining the informed consent, questionnaires including IIEF, DAN-PSS-SEX and erectile dysfunction effect on quality of lie are filled.Personal data, status of diabetes control and complications of diabetes are recorded.The results will be used to investigate the prevalence of erectile dysfunction of diabetic men in Taiwan and erectile dysfunction related quality of life change.
Full description
Adult diabetic patients aged above 20 attending the diabetic clinic of National Taiwan University Hospital are invited to attend a face to face screening and interview. After obtaining the informed consent, questionnaires including IIEF, DAN-PSS-SEX and erectile dysfunction effect on quality of lie are filled.Personal data, status of diabetes control and complications of diabetes are recorded.The results will be used to investigate the prevalence of erectile dysfunction of diabetic men in Taiwan and erectile dysfunction related quality of life change.
Inclusion criteria
diabetic male age above 20
Exclusion criteria
men using any form of erectile dysfunction treatment-
Central trial contact
Shih-Ping Liu, M.D.
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites