

the Safety, Tolerability and PK of KX-826 in Healthy Males With Alopecia Following Topical Multiple Dose Ascending


Kintor Pharmaceutical

Status and phase

Phase 1


Androgenetic Alopecia


Drug: KX0826
Other: Placebo

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


The study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and PK of KX-826 following topical multiple ascending dose administration.

Full description

KX-826 topical solution will be applied to the scalp of healthy male subjects with androgenetic alopecia.

A total of 40 subjects will be evaluated with 32 subjects randomized to receive active drug and 8 subjects randomized to receive placebo in a double-blind fashion (10 subjects in each dose cohort with 8 subjects randomized to receive active drug and 2 subjects randomized to receive placebo for a total of 4 dose cohorts).

Cohort Dose of KX-826 Subjects

  1. 2.5 mg QD for 14 days 10 (8 active + 2 placebo)
  2. 5 mg QD for 14 days 10 (8 active + 2 placebo)
  3. 10 mg QD for 14 days 10 (8 active + 2 placebo)
  4. 20 mg QD for 14 days 10 (8 active + 2 placebo)

Dose escalation will not occur until review of the multiple dose safety from the previous dose cohort is completed. Safety assessments will include monitoring of AEs, vital signs (blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate and oral temperature), clinical laboratory findings, 12-lead ECGs, skin irritation assessments and physical examination findings.


40 patients




18 to 60 years old


Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  1. Are capable of giving informed consent and complying with study procedures;
  2. Are males between the ages of 18 and 60 years, inclusive;
  3. Have a clinical diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia;
  4. Considered healthy by the Principal Investigator, based on a detailed medical history, full physical examination, clinical laboratory tests, 12-lead ECG and vital signs (systolic blood pressure ≥90 and ≤150 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure ≥50 and ≤95 mmHg and pulse rate ≥45 and ≤100 bpm; one repeat allowed to confirm out of range values);
  5. Have normal renal and hepatic function as determined by the screening laboratory results;
  6. Nonsmoker, defined as not having smoked or used any form of tobacco in more than 6 months before screening;
  7. Body mass index (BMI) of 19.0 to 35.0 kg/m2 inclusive and body weight not less than 50 kg;
  8. Willing and able to adhere to study restrictions and to be confined at the CRU

Exclusion criteria

  1. Clinically significant history of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine, hematologic, psychiatric, renal, hepatic, bronchopulmonary, neurologic, immunologic, lipid metabolism disorders, or drug hypersensitivity;
  2. Any visible skin disease, damage or condition at the application site which, in the opinion of the investigator, could compromise subject safety and/or interfere with the evaluation of the test site reaction;
  3. Subject has any dermatological disorders of the scalp;
  4. Subject has a history of hair transplants, hair weaves;
  5. Subject has hypersensitivity to previously prescribed minoxidil or finasteride;
  6. Known or suspected malignancy;
  7. Positive blood screen for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), or hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody;
  8. A hospital admission or major surgery within 30 days prior to screening;
  9. Participation in any other investigational drug trial within 30 days prior to screening;
  10. A history of prescription drug abuse, or illicit drug use within 6 months prior to screening;
  11. A history of alcohol abuse according to medical history within 6 months prior to screening;
  12. A positive screen for alcohol or drugs of abuse;
  13. Donation or blood collection of more than 1 unit (approximate 450 mL) of blood (or blood products) or acute loss of blood during the 90 days prior to screening;
  14. Use of prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and herbal (including St John's Wort, herbal teas, garlic extracts) within 14 days prior to dosing (Note: Use of acetaminophen at <3g/day is permitted until 24 hours prior to dosing);
  15. An unwillingness of male participants to use appropriate contraceptive measures if engaging in sexual intercourse with a female partner of childbearing potential. Appropriate measures include use of a condom and spermicide and, for female partners, use of an intrauterine device (IUD), diaphragm with spermicide, oral contraceptives, injectable progesterone, progesterone subdermal implants, or a tubal ligation.

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


Triple Blind

40 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group

Experimental Group -KX0826
Experimental group
KX0826 is tropically applied to the scalp of healthy male subjects once a day for 14 days. The applied dosage cohorts are 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg.
Drug: KX0826
Control Group- Placebo
Placebo Comparator group
Placebo is tropically applied to the scalp of healthy male subjects once a day for 14 days.
Other: Placebo

Trial contacts and locations



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