The START study will implement osteoarthritis (OA) treatment recommendations to increase the use of recommended treatment modalities and reduce non-desired events (e.g. unnecessary referrals to secondary care, unnecessary use of costly imaging modalities and use of treatment modalities supported by low quality of evidence). The purpose of the STavanger osteoARThritis (START) study is to improve the quality of OA care and increase the collaboration between health care professionals in primary health care and across health care levels.
Full description
Previous research has shown that the osteoarthritis care for persons with hip or knee osteoarthritis in Norway has a potential for improvement as the provided care may not necessarily reflect evidence-based guideline recommendations. The purpose of the STavanger osteoARThritis (START) study is to improve the quality of OA care and increase the collaboration between health care professionals in primary health care and across health care levels.
Based on international treatment recommendations for OA care and previous research, a tailored implementation strategy targeting high quality, integrated care for people with OA in Stavanger Municipality will be developed, implemented and evaluated. The care will mainly be provided in the Stavanger primary health care services by physiotherapists (PT) (in private practice) and general practitioners (GP), but will also include collaboration with orthopaedic surgeons in specialist health care at Stavanger University Hospital.
The main aim of the present study is to develop, implement and evaluate effects of a tailored implementation strategy for the START study in Stavanger Municipality.
To evaluate the effects of the START implementation strategy, an interrupted time series design method will be applied. The study period will be divided into three phases: pre-implementation, implementation/transition and post-implementation. Data will be collected at 16 time points; 8 before and 8 after the implementation/ transition phase.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
330 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites