

To Detect the Sensitivity of the UroMark Assay (DETECT II)

University College London (UCL) logo

University College London (UCL)




Bladder Cancer

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


This is a prospective multicentre observational study to assess the sensitivity of the UroMark assay to detect bladder cancer in participants with new or recurrent disease. The study will recruit patients with newly detected or recurrent bladder cancer. The reference standard will be histopathological confirmation of tumour stage and (Ta, T1, ≥T2) and grade 1, 2 or 3 diseases with or without CIS, or CIS alone.

Patients with a visual diagnosis of bladder cancer following cystoscopy will be approached and asked to consent for this study. Consenting participants will be provided with a urine sample collection kit and asked to provide a urine sample. Samples can be provided at home and posted to the receiving lab using the stamped addressed envelope. The urine sample must be obtained before TURBT and following TURBT, patients with NMIBC who require surveillance cystoscopy will be asked to provide a urine sample at 3 monthly intervals for up to 2 years.

The study will be conducted in at least 11 NHS trusts. As DETECT II is an observation study requiring provision of a urine sample, it will be possible for patients in DETECT II to be recruited to other trials.

Full description

This study is an observational study and participants will receive the standard of care according to local MDT guidelines for the treatment and surveillance of bladder cancer. As the study involves collection of a urine sample, subjects are permitted to be entered into other trials. The DETECT II study will recruit patients with newly diagnosed and recurrent bladder cancer. As this study is only observational and no intervention is trial related the patients will be given minimum 24 hours to consider this study and decide to take part as they will be approached in clinic at first instance. Due to the initial urine sample being required before any standard of care is received they will be consented within 24 hours of being informed of the study. Most newly diagnosed bladder cancers are detected in patients being investigated for haematuria and attending a haematuria clinic. Most recurrent bladder cancers are detected by cystoscopy at bladder cancer check cystoscopy clinics.

Patients with a visual diagnosis or new or recurrent bladder cancer will be eligible for the DETECT II study. The baseline UroMark urine collection will be collected once the visual diagnosis of bladder cancer is established. The UroMark sample must be provided before TURBT in all cases.

Patients will be approached following cystoscopy and asked to consent to study entry. The DETECT II study will involve obtaining a voided urine sample. Patients will be given a UroMark urine sample kit and asked to provide the urine sample at home and post the sample to the receiving lab using the stamped addressed envelope.

Patients will receive the standard tests and investigations for bladder cancer. The standard treatment for bladder cancer is summarised as:

  • TURBT following which it is recommended that patients with NMIBC receive a single instillation of chemotherapy unless contraindicated.
  • Intermediate risk NMIBC will be considered for a 6 week inductive course of intravesical chemotherapy after TURBT.
  • High risk NMIBC may require a second TURBT called re-resection TURBT, usually within 6 weeks of the first. The re--resection or second TURBT is performed for pathological stage pT1 tumours to exclude residual detrusor muscle invasion (stage pT2 at least). There are 2 treatment choices when the high risk status has been confirmed clinically:
  • A course of inductive followed by maintenance intravesical BCG
  • An operation to remove the bladder (a cystectomy).
  • Cystectomy or radiotherapy are the options for patients diagnosed with MIBC


1,643 patients




18+ years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • Participants must be over 18 years of age.
  • Visual diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of bladder cancer following cystoscopy.
  • Able to give informed written consent to participate

Exclusion criteria

  • Unwilling to undergo TURBT
  • Unable to give informed consent.

Trial contacts and locations



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