Status and phase
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This home-based study is a randomized (1:1) placebo-controlled trial of a single infusion of zoledronic acid-5 mg (ZA) for the prevention of fractures in men and women aged 60 years and older with Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism with at least 2 years of follow-up. A total of 3500 participants will be enrolled and randomized in the United States. Participants, follow-up outcome assessors, and study investigators will be blinded to assigned study treatment. This trial is funded by the National Institute of Aging.
Full description
This home-based randomized clinical trial is designed to test the efficacy of ZA-5 mg in Parkinson's disease (PD) and parkinsonism patients. This trial will also address barriers to treatment of patients with PD and parkinsonism by providing rigorous evidence about whether ZA reduces fracture risk in patients with PD and parkinsonism, simplifying treatment by giving ZA at home without extra medical visits and BMD testing, and overcoming poor persistence with oral therapies because one infusion may prevent bone loss for at least 2 years. The outcome of this trial will demonstrate how a home-based fracture prevention can reach older PD patients who would not otherwise receive treatment to reduce their high risk of fractures.
Patients with PD will be recruited throughout the US by participating neurologists and health networks as well as the Parkinson's Foundation. Patients may also self-refer to the study. Interested patients can access study information on a study website ( as well as through the Parkinson's Foundation Helpline. Patients who wish to enroll will be directed to an interactive electronic consent (eConsent). Following eConsent, participants complete a screening questionnaire (to confirm eligibility), followed by a baseline questionnaire. If a participant is determined to be eligible following these steps, they may be scheduled for a Telemedicine assessment to further confirm the PD or parkinsonism diagnosis, unless they have been referred directly from a participating neurologist. If confirmed, the participant will be mailed a supply of vitamin D3 800-1000 IU and instructed to take one vitamin D tablet every day for 2 months. Lastly, a Nurse Home Visit will be scheduled and conducted to confirm final eligibility, randomization, and administration of the study drug, if appropriate. Participants who are randomized will be contacted every 4 months for at least 2 years to determine if they have had any fractures.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
3,500 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group
Central trial contact
Dana R Kriesel, MPH, MS; Christopher P Schambach, MA
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites