Status and phase
Ipilimumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting CTLA-4, is approved for the treatment of metastatic melanoma and significantly increases median overall survival. However, use of this drug is associated with immune related adverse events (IRAEs) like colitis, hepatitis, dermatitis, alveolitis and hypophysitis in 10-40% of the patients. In general IRAEs are manageable by cessation of ipilimumab in combination with treatment with corticosteroids or TNF-alpha blockade but they can be severe or even life-threatening. In addition, treatment with ipilimumab is expensive. Because of the high costs and the potential serious toxicity of ipilimumab, it is of great importance to identify biomarkers that correlate with clinical activity and can be used to select patients that will benefit from CTLA-4 blockade therapy.
The investigators hypothesize that differences in response to treatment with ipilimumab are due to variability in the pharmacodynamics and -kinetics of the antibody. It is hypothesized that patients who do not respond to treatment with ipilimumab have lower drug levels in tumor tissues as compared to patients with a good response to therapy. In addition, the investigators hypothesize that IRAEs are associated with high drug levels in the affected tissue.
To visualize molecular interactions a novel technique is used in which positron emission tomography (PET) is combined with labeled monoclonal antibodies. Because ipilimumab induces activation of T-lymphocytes it is hypothesized that uptake of 89Zr-ipilimumab in tumor lesions and normal tissue is different (i.e. higher) after the second administration of ipilimumab (3 weeks after first injection). Therefore immuno-PET scans will be performed after the first and after the second injection of ipilimumab.
Part one: The primary objective is:
The secondary objectives are:
Full description
see above
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
29 participants in 1 patient group
Central trial contact
Alfonsus JM van den Eertwegh, Prof.dr.; Jelle Arts
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites